Ha HA! finally saw my dearest of friends today, the psyco rebel Angie! Alas, our reunion was short- curse the wicked mall.
Whilst my "day job" eats away my soul, it did provide a bit'o entertainment au jour d'hui, a herd of fucked up college boys attacked the giant Hommer Sipmson that stands in front of the store, and then ran away. These young men were caught, deep fried in a vat of hot oil, and served to our last hundered customers ha ha ha... No really the po po came(police) and one of my co workers almost brawled with drunkest of the assholes. I wouldn't have even cared but they were sooo rude. How silly is that? Banned from the mall for
beating up Hommer and getting in my face.
My cello still remains nameless, she is getting very violent, but I do enjoy the scratch marks...Sickert calls, it is time for OPtic Rose to practice!
Whilst my "day job" eats away my soul, it did provide a bit'o entertainment au jour d'hui, a herd of fucked up college boys attacked the giant Hommer Sipmson that stands in front of the store, and then ran away. These young men were caught, deep fried in a vat of hot oil, and served to our last hundered customers ha ha ha... No really the po po came(police) and one of my co workers almost brawled with drunkest of the assholes. I wouldn't have even cared but they were sooo rude. How silly is that? Banned from the mall for
beating up Hommer and getting in my face.
My cello still remains nameless, she is getting very violent, but I do enjoy the scratch marks...Sickert calls, it is time for OPtic Rose to practice!
The sounds of your cello shall usher the dead to their eternal rest. For best results practice in a graveyard or on the day of Armageddon.
Angie Marie
[Edited on Dec 05, 2003 5:28AM]