good day! its saturday and i get to go to work at one! i usually open 4 out of the 5 days i work. yikes!!! today is a good day for me. i honestly decided how important moving to new york is for me. its very important. if i dont move to a city like this at age 18, i could end up getting stuck and comfortable here in the bay area. everything that i want, i already have here. a job, and boy, a place to live. but thats not very exciting if i have no challenge.
i am a crazy gemini, and there are always two sides to every one of my stories (blame the twins). my two personalities are always manipulating me to change my mind. constantly. but the twins have agreed that its time to for change. that is another trait of a gemini, a constant need for change.
so here i go, my journey to get from A to B. the beginning of my own life. my life. no one else's.
in the process, i need to get as much out of california as possible. maybe road trip with some lovely ladies

i cant stop listening to the monkees!!!!
i am a crazy gemini, and there are always two sides to every one of my stories (blame the twins). my two personalities are always manipulating me to change my mind. constantly. but the twins have agreed that its time to for change. that is another trait of a gemini, a constant need for change.
so here i go, my journey to get from A to B. the beginning of my own life. my life. no one else's.
in the process, i need to get as much out of california as possible. maybe road trip with some lovely ladies

i cant stop listening to the monkees!!!!
Thanks for the add darlin' How are you?
yr seriously breathtaking