OK, I know it's just crushingly British to talk about the weather, but Christ you should have seen the rain in Manchester. Ortus mentioned it in his blog, but I don't know if you fully realise that it was like the apocolypse.
So, I went to see Ortus. I seem to recall there was booze. Rain / excess of booze - which one of those is the reason I have illness again? I shall repeat the drinking this weekend and see what happens.
This is the Body World Exhibition. It was fairly provocative shit. Contributions to the abortion debate, in the form of dead foetuses in varying states of development. Also they seemed to have some notion that people shouldn't smoke, and pedalled this viewpoint quite strongly. They had corpses sliced into perfect lamb chops. Skeletons extracted from their immaculately plastinated skins. I suppose you must get quite quickly desensitised as you go round, because I'm far more aware when I think about it in retrospect, that Von Hagenstraat's work is, you know, basically horrific.
*Sigh* I didn't make it to ballet tonight.
It's quite a drag applying for jobs, but there's this one in Hammersmith. I think what I'll do is buy a bottle of good champagne before I go for the interview, and then I'll feel like I'm obliged to get the job.
Discuss, with examples:
Is there a universally unacceptable way to treat someone else? Or is it acceptable as long as the person doesn't mind? Phrased another way, are there situations in which people, for their own good, ought to be aware that they are hard done by? Or, in the case of someone's psychological wellbeing, does the problem not exist as long as they are not aware of it?
So, I went to see Ortus. I seem to recall there was booze. Rain / excess of booze - which one of those is the reason I have illness again? I shall repeat the drinking this weekend and see what happens.
This is the Body World Exhibition. It was fairly provocative shit. Contributions to the abortion debate, in the form of dead foetuses in varying states of development. Also they seemed to have some notion that people shouldn't smoke, and pedalled this viewpoint quite strongly. They had corpses sliced into perfect lamb chops. Skeletons extracted from their immaculately plastinated skins. I suppose you must get quite quickly desensitised as you go round, because I'm far more aware when I think about it in retrospect, that Von Hagenstraat's work is, you know, basically horrific.
*Sigh* I didn't make it to ballet tonight.
It's quite a drag applying for jobs, but there's this one in Hammersmith. I think what I'll do is buy a bottle of good champagne before I go for the interview, and then I'll feel like I'm obliged to get the job.

Discuss, with examples:
Is there a universally unacceptable way to treat someone else? Or is it acceptable as long as the person doesn't mind? Phrased another way, are there situations in which people, for their own good, ought to be aware that they are hard done by? Or, in the case of someone's psychological wellbeing, does the problem not exist as long as they are not aware of it?
It's all about weighing up short term happiness with long term happiness. Will the "victim" in this want to change his future pattern of behaviour if you tell him (I'm not presuming the person is male but it's easier to write him than him/her every time). If the current situation continues will the victim become unhappy over time or will he stay contented? If he has to put up with short term unhappiness for long term gain then it's probably worth going for it.