Ballet =
Part of our studio was roped off today because it had flooded in all the rain. What a mess! I got there early and had a nice conversation with the teacher. She was asking me lots of stuff about my previous dancing - I wasn't sure whether she said 'have you done ballet before?' or 'you have done ballet before,' and then wished my ears were keener because I thought there was quite a significant distinction between the two. Well, when I said that I stopped going to ballet while I was still quite little she made the assumption that I'd done other styles since. I'm sure she was only making conversation, but I felt quite pleased because I could have volunteered the information that I'd danced before and she could have been all like, 'no, really? Oh, I had you down as a *toe*tal beginner!"
I keep getting quite dizzy, you know. During the last three days. Sometimes I'm lying in bed and I think I'm going to fall off the ceiling. I was fine dancing tonight though. Odd, don't you think? I am over-tired, but no more than I was back in December, say. I was averaging four hours sleep a night, and now I'm averaging six and not pulling any working all-nighters at all.
Do you know Albertine's coming to London next week?

I keep getting quite dizzy, you know. During the last three days. Sometimes I'm lying in bed and I think I'm going to fall off the ceiling. I was fine dancing tonight though. Odd, don't you think? I am over-tired, but no more than I was back in December, say. I was averaging four hours sleep a night, and now I'm averaging six and not pulling any working all-nighters at all.
Do you know Albertine's coming to London next week?
Which is no bad thing I'll grant you.