I back from the Land of the Rising Sun, and sister, lemme tell ya, it was fucking amazing. I have some pictures on the way. My camera thinks it best to size the photos to fit billboards, so I'm having to edit those. However, I have posted my first blog post about my trip on over at the recounting tomb. So, if you're bored...
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more latex to come, don't worry!

Howdy Neighbors,
Well, it's been a while... And I guess it'll be awhile again. For folks, I have gotten off my lazy ass and started something that is really spicing things up in life...
First, I quit my job, moved out of my $650 cave and bought a ticked for a 2 week vacation in Nippon. Always wanted to go and now I am. The...
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Well, it's been a while... And I guess it'll be awhile again. For folks, I have gotten off my lazy ass and started something that is really spicing things up in life...
First, I quit my job, moved out of my $650 cave and bought a ticked for a 2 week vacation in Nippon. Always wanted to go and now I am. The...
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Japan is amazing, i lived there and loved it!!!!!!
Conan. What is Best in Life?!
The Intrawub sticking it's bullshit stick up you're bum!
I'll be back following these technical difficulties.
The Intrawub sticking it's bullshit stick up you're bum!
I'll be back following these technical difficulties.
Evening Lovelies.
Well, once again this is going to be short and sweet.
I've been confined to my art table trying to step up my game for one the most awesome scripts I've read, and if I can blow myself for just a sec, from the story I cooked up, my collaborator and partner in crime has produced an amazingly crisp comic. Now... I just...
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Well, once again this is going to be short and sweet.
I've been confined to my art table trying to step up my game for one the most awesome scripts I've read, and if I can blow myself for just a sec, from the story I cooked up, my collaborator and partner in crime has produced an amazingly crisp comic. Now... I just...
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thank you for the comment on my new set!
Hey everyone, sorry it's been a few weeks since I said anything to anyone, but I've been busier than a three dicked rooster in a hen house lately. First I had my best friends wedding (which, how I remained vertical is still being researched by scientist), followed by some travel, mix in a good ol' fashioned shit storm cluster fuck at my place of employment...
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great pics!
how are u?

how are u?

thanks for commenting on my set

My last post was a bit harsh... I admit.
I'm working on Project Motherfucker=Redeemer currently and it should be done by the first of June.
Also, I found out I'm going to be an uncle... that's gonna be an experience.
Be good folks, or be good at it.
I'm working on Project Motherfucker=Redeemer currently and it should be done by the first of June.
Also, I found out I'm going to be an uncle... that's gonna be an experience.
Be good folks, or be good at it.
I want pussy for free, I want pussy for free
You can not have my money
I want pussy for free, look, I want pussy for free
I want pussy for free, I want pussy for free (for freeeeeeeee)
I ain't givin none of y'all girls money shit fuck y'all
Love ya but fuck ya let bounce this ball
Screwface ya bitches put food on...
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You can not have my money
I want pussy for free, look, I want pussy for free
I want pussy for free, I want pussy for free (for freeeeeeeee)
I ain't givin none of y'all girls money shit fuck y'all
Love ya but fuck ya let bounce this ball
Screwface ya bitches put food on...
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Whooop! Whooop! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
I shall set forth for somewhere,
I shall make the reckless choice
Some day when they are in voice
And tossing so as to scare
The white clouds over them on.
I shall have less to say,
But I shall be gone.
- Robert Frost
I am officially on Sabbatical. And this is where I'll be writing some of my daily log, a way to...
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I shall make the reckless choice
Some day when they are in voice
And tossing so as to scare
The white clouds over them on.
I shall have less to say,
But I shall be gone.
- Robert Frost
I am officially on Sabbatical. And this is where I'll be writing some of my daily log, a way to...
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So 2006 has come and gone, what a piece of shit year it was. Starting with me having a throw down with a bum who was a wee bit high on crack on New Year's Eve @ 11:30 pm that ended with him in jail and me losing my buzz because I had to listen to the police talk, broken knuckles and all; to living...
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