Blogging, it's a funny old thing. I don't do much of it and I don't read a lot of people's blogs either. It comes back to something I was ranting about regarding facebook status updates. It's this assumption that just because you have a voice doesn't mean that people give a fuck what you've got to say. I try to restrict updates to times when I actually have something new or relevant to say.
Also lets face it social networking is a colossal waste of time and energy that could be better spent on more productive gains. I don't deny it would be nice to have a friends list full of sexy sgs who I talk to regularly and maybe even get into the sguk group and attend a few of their meets, but it's all so much effort. I prefer to write creative things.
Even so one should at least appear to be alive now and then.
I'm doing a bunch of shit right and some shit not so right. The important shit is my creative and fitness pursuits. I've been making lots of progress and gains in the gym lately. I'm now 11 stone exactly and starting to show signs of ab definition (in other words I'm getting a six pack). I'm also now dead lifting 100kg (going for 105kg this week) and I can now dead lift a full keg of carling (a random thing I tried at work.)
I've been working steadily on building the Mass Effect N7 armour out of card. I've got most of it done now and once it's ready I'll strengthen it with resin and fibre glass before painting. It's gonna be badass geek shit.
Finally I've begun work on my first serious animation project. It's going to take a lot of work, I'm guessing around 12 months to get a good final render of about 3 minutes, but I'm really psyched about this. I've started just by doing some concept sketches and made my first character worksheet. I'll be learning a lot about blendes animation features, compositing nodes and particle systems to get everything I want on the screen but I'm really excited.
Oh and I'm also looking into studying the Kesi Fighting Method. I'll need to get some friends on board for this to work but if it does It'll be awesome.
So what am I doing wrong? Well I still live with my parents and have a crappy job in a bar. Not much I can say about this really. I've spoke to a friend about moving in together but it's going to take time to arrange. Also I need to be earning more money. I've applied for a few jobs, already had one rejection so lets hope one of the others turns up something.
Also lets face it social networking is a colossal waste of time and energy that could be better spent on more productive gains. I don't deny it would be nice to have a friends list full of sexy sgs who I talk to regularly and maybe even get into the sguk group and attend a few of their meets, but it's all so much effort. I prefer to write creative things.
Even so one should at least appear to be alive now and then.
I'm doing a bunch of shit right and some shit not so right. The important shit is my creative and fitness pursuits. I've been making lots of progress and gains in the gym lately. I'm now 11 stone exactly and starting to show signs of ab definition (in other words I'm getting a six pack). I'm also now dead lifting 100kg (going for 105kg this week) and I can now dead lift a full keg of carling (a random thing I tried at work.)
I've been working steadily on building the Mass Effect N7 armour out of card. I've got most of it done now and once it's ready I'll strengthen it with resin and fibre glass before painting. It's gonna be badass geek shit.
Finally I've begun work on my first serious animation project. It's going to take a lot of work, I'm guessing around 12 months to get a good final render of about 3 minutes, but I'm really psyched about this. I've started just by doing some concept sketches and made my first character worksheet. I'll be learning a lot about blendes animation features, compositing nodes and particle systems to get everything I want on the screen but I'm really excited.
Oh and I'm also looking into studying the Kesi Fighting Method. I'll need to get some friends on board for this to work but if it does It'll be awesome.
So what am I doing wrong? Well I still live with my parents and have a crappy job in a bar. Not much I can say about this really. I've spoke to a friend about moving in together but it's going to take time to arrange. Also I need to be earning more money. I've applied for a few jobs, already had one rejection so lets hope one of the others turns up something.

As for the N7 armous