Well I've never kept a blog before so I really don't have a clue what to put in it. Especially considering how unexciting my life is at the moment. I'm sorta doing this so people think I'm alive and not some freaky lurker. Well I guess if you're sad or bored enough to read on you can be my guest but I will not be held responsible for injury or death caused as a result of reading the below, badly punctuated, blog.
It's all work work work to be honest. I've got about 3 weeks left in this semester then they kick me out for the summer. God I hope I get a job soon, I'm gonna be moving back in with my parents and I'll want to be out of the house as much as possible. It's not that I have a problem with them, it's just I've had my own place for nearly three years now and the thought of moving back under their roof, into my poxy little room, where I can't even walk through the front door without the spanish inquisition breathing down my neck is somewhat disturbing.
My works going ok, I'm currently deluuding myself that I'm not behind when I am, quite badly I'd say. I'll pull through I guess, I always do some how.
On the brighter side of things I'm getting pretty good at this coin magic stuff. I guess it's because I know so much about body language and missdirection from my cards because I'm picking this up real easy. And I met a friend I made over myspace yesturday and had a great day. I've not really met that many people down here in Wolves due to the nightmare that is my halls being full of morons and the people on my coarce (probably miss spelt) being miserable basterds. So one more friend is good.
Anyway this has gone on long enough, i've you've read this far well done, but I wouldd seriously consider the state of your life right now if you had nothing better to do than read that from start to finish. Well take care people... TO BE CONTINUED.
It's all work work work to be honest. I've got about 3 weeks left in this semester then they kick me out for the summer. God I hope I get a job soon, I'm gonna be moving back in with my parents and I'll want to be out of the house as much as possible. It's not that I have a problem with them, it's just I've had my own place for nearly three years now and the thought of moving back under their roof, into my poxy little room, where I can't even walk through the front door without the spanish inquisition breathing down my neck is somewhat disturbing.
My works going ok, I'm currently deluuding myself that I'm not behind when I am, quite badly I'd say. I'll pull through I guess, I always do some how.
On the brighter side of things I'm getting pretty good at this coin magic stuff. I guess it's because I know so much about body language and missdirection from my cards because I'm picking this up real easy. And I met a friend I made over myspace yesturday and had a great day. I've not really met that many people down here in Wolves due to the nightmare that is my halls being full of morons and the people on my coarce (probably miss spelt) being miserable basterds. So one more friend is good.
Anyway this has gone on long enough, i've you've read this far well done, but I wouldd seriously consider the state of your life right now if you had nothing better to do than read that from start to finish. Well take care people... TO BE CONTINUED.
hope you're well.
peace and happy voodoo...