Managed to get my basic photo portfolio in for marking, no to good but as its a very very low level qualification i'm not that bothered, just decided I'd like the bit of paper. Didn't bother with the level one didn't have the time. Oh well not as if I'm going to try to use them for anything.
Started back at Kung Fu, clinical pysio said that it may fuck it up but I could trip up on the pavement tomorrow and do equal damage. As long as I'm not stupid about it and build up its strength. Of course i developed an allergy to the meds for it, off to hospital for tests to see how bad they fucked me up. Oh well.
Think I've fucked up my degree, so new career routes are dba or seeing as I like power,money and telling people what to do management...project managment sees a good idea espcially as contracting you can get up to 800 per day.
I was on holiday in Montreal last month. Nice place, checked it out that I could move over there to work without to many problems. They need people to do everything that I want to do. Better wages, better standard of living.
So many routes that I could choice from. Have to see how the next year pans out.
Got a negaive scanner see if I can get a good enough contrast to get them on-line. Have to start that this week.
Really must write out this in full for my livejournal. ha never thought to mention sg to my friends.
Started back at Kung Fu, clinical pysio said that it may fuck it up but I could trip up on the pavement tomorrow and do equal damage. As long as I'm not stupid about it and build up its strength. Of course i developed an allergy to the meds for it, off to hospital for tests to see how bad they fucked me up. Oh well.
Think I've fucked up my degree, so new career routes are dba or seeing as I like power,money and telling people what to do management...project managment sees a good idea espcially as contracting you can get up to 800 per day.
I was on holiday in Montreal last month. Nice place, checked it out that I could move over there to work without to many problems. They need people to do everything that I want to do. Better wages, better standard of living.
So many routes that I could choice from. Have to see how the next year pans out.
Got a negaive scanner see if I can get a good enough contrast to get them on-line. Have to start that this week.
Really must write out this in full for my livejournal. ha never thought to mention sg to my friends.
Oh, and 'Yay you' too.