So freaken tired. Having to get up at 6:30am and getting home after 6 is like, not cool. I just took a nap on the couches at school, so unsatisfying.. I wish I had a nice warm bed to crawl into.
Remember Stockwell Day, the far right wing dinglehoofer who gained slight popularity before being exposed for how right wing and crazy he really is, remember how his fall from grace was punctuated by the fact that he used public funds to pay for his defence in a libel lawsuit, totally the taxpayers (read: US) a total of $732,000. Ya well, apparently he's our public saftey... Read More
You know what I'm really good at. Procrastinating. I tried like 7 times to start doing homework over the weekend, I never did get to it. Now I'm procrastinating some more by writing this journal about procrastinating.
He he... I was in the Spiral line since 10:30 in the morning the day of the ACC NIN show. We were the 10th-15th people in line.
I'll PM you my video of the show and sound check if you didn't already see it on the Spiral. I don't know how I got away with that but I did!! I'll be doing another for the Spring shows.
Enjoy SG, and welcome! I'm very new here as well. Now, get back to you school work you slacker.
Well, people have asked me to start blogging here, and who am I to argue, so here I go.
I guess I'll start by telling alittle bit about myself.
I'm 24, and currently attending my last year of school. I'm studying to be a pharmaceutical technician, which contrary to what the name might imply, has nothing to do with working in a pharmacy. Eventually I'll... Read More