Answer me these questions three.......
1. Am I a liar who only uses people to get what I want?
2. Am I a manipulator who always asks you for personal information and can't talk no for an answer?
3. Am I trustworthy and able to maintain 99% of my relationship and friendships without a totally breakdown in common sense.
It's funny how one conversation can answer so many questions and yet, bring up a few more.
I think it's fair to say things have been decided now about that little issue...
L.A. Here I come
(I cant wait to liar, cheat and steal with that group of people!)
Fresh Meat!!
1. Am I a liar who only uses people to get what I want?
2. Am I a manipulator who always asks you for personal information and can't talk no for an answer?
3. Am I trustworthy and able to maintain 99% of my relationship and friendships without a totally breakdown in common sense.
It's funny how one conversation can answer so many questions and yet, bring up a few more.
I think it's fair to say things have been decided now about that little issue...
L.A. Here I come

(I cant wait to liar, cheat and steal with that group of people!)
Fresh Meat!!
Not that I can see.
2. Am I a manipulator who always asks you for personal information and can't talk no for an answer?
Not from me.
3. Am I trustworthy and able to maintain 99% of my relationship and friendships without a totally breakdown in common sense.
You've been cool to me so far.
Dude. I do not know what is going on and having known you, I do not see anything that warrants mistrust so you are okay by me. I am not a big fan of controversy unless of course the person deserves it.
Have a good weekend.