... this is twice now that I have heard a Milli Vanilli song today.. earlier when I was listening to the local talk radio station and the bumper music was a joke on the talk host... the second time over the sound system here at the coffee shop...

... I dont know that I would own a Milli Vanilli CD... hard to say if I...
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i'm dying.....



don't yuo lose your ability to chose in the military?
... it's dangerous out there... but, I walk with no fear... the little red-haired fella is with me...

... you can feel death in the air... those beady little eyes watching you approach... the notorious grey squirrel gang is out in force...

... I slowly reach down and unsnap the leash... he raises his head, mouth slightly gaped, sensing the air, tasting their presence... suddenly,...
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golf clap for the wolf's lair

ah, creativity escapes me today.

1. i wish i would have been the one to come up with the ugly mug, but it is already taken and happens to be one fine place in memphis.

2. El Mezecal. mmm. best chicken chimichanga ever!
Alton, IL

3. The Golden Horse. great chinese rest. in walla walla, WA
1. coffee downs (drew up a horse head logo and everything)
2. basic family resturant...or truck stop...must have good coffee
3. the dry dock. east granby ct. two inch thick melt in your mouth prime rib
Clumsy Lovers.... interesting concept for a band!

... bluegrass, pop, alternative... and all I have to do is sit here, drink coffee, compose my thoughts... and listen to these little monsters behind me playing trucks in the middle of the restaurant...

I should charge for day-care...

(I really like kids... this afternoon, I had two for a snack)

nothing really going on... well, in the...
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i'm too itchy to answer your questions! *sits in the corner and sobs* but when the itchiness goes away...? then i'm down. biggrin
i hate having my pic taken
I love other motorcycle riders...

they give you the knowing nodd... the little up-nodd... like; "we're cool".... puke

the big yellow POS... it's an '88 softtail, you dont even have to mention that it is a Harley by birth...
everyone assumes that the ape hangers are uncomfortable... but given the length of my arms, I couldnt ride any other way... there are so many little changes...
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i know nothing about motorcycles blush
'cept that they are pretty and I WANT ONE.
i know....i'm sad....
just thought i'd get my complete lack of knowledge out in the open. blush
that comment from a while back ~ the narrative ~ was pretty cool. like a continuing story.

mmmmmmm, cycles!

1. because i allow them to be. sometimes i encourage it for my own amusement ~ or safety.

2. i don't always, but when i do its just an energetic sense ~ no real concrete clues unless i catch them in a lie

3. no, because ignorance is genuine not knowing ~ i can empathize and work with that.
fog of decongestants and coffee...
the ground was dusted yellow and after last nights light shower, puddles swirled with yellows and dull green... like a bad acid trip (ya right!)...

can ya tell I'm bored shit-less?

nothing new today... perhaps that is a good thing.

1. Do you have allergies? Do you have to medicate if you do?
2. What is the worst feeling you...
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boring days always come in useful once in a while, but its nice when things perk up after.
1/. no
2/. that sinking feeling i get when i see one of the total dick head patients coming to the practice door, and having to fix the bright and welcoming smile to my face while i'm silentlyrepeating...' arsehole, arsehole, arsehole' in my mind.
3/. mainly,but if i could develope some form of mind control that would let me fix the people in cat 2. at least while they were in contact with me, i would.
1) I have really bad allergies now that I live in Germany.
2) Waking up tongue
3) I don't have a jobbie job right now. I'll be getting one soon because this house frau thing is getting a bit tired.

I just give out recipes tongue but if someone wants to swap recipes with me that's a bonus biggrin
whooooaaaaa.... you should have seen the hottie that just stepped out of the coffee shop.... dayum!

well... the pollen count is up, and I mean sky "fuckin" high... the A/Cs kicked in this morning at work, and all that dust, mold, and pollen accumulating inside blew out and into the warehouse... set off a smoke alarm in the back and the fire department was dispatched...
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you're too silly... why would you think that being the first in my journal is such a big deal? but thanks for the smile nonetheless. i got your email and i'm not much of an im/chat group kind of person. it gives me a headache if i do it too much.

1. Even this one hits home... be brutally honest. Are older men and women physically attractive, or do adult diapers and that near death smell come into play?

honestly i think it depends on who you're with and how old you are at the time.

2. What was your most memorable road trip by yourself?

when i took the greyhound from seattle to ohio and then back again on the greyhound. i had the best 6 days and it was so fun meeting all those new people and seeing places that i would never go to for any other reason. i got to skate through downtowns and backwood cities all over. went to this cool little shops and bought all these trinkets i don't have anymore. man i miss huge greyhound trips.

3. What do you consider your family values?

stay strong; be honest; and protect the ones you love no matter what!

I'm just obsessed with stars, really...hehe...really looking for a swirly, spirally star design for my upper back and shoulders...wooo!

I'm a bit hesitant about tattooing totems onto my skin as I have known quite a few people who have had more than one totem in their lives, which changed with age...mine's changed as I hit adulthood...I'm sure another will come to claim me when I hit the old dribbling incontenent stages of my life...wink
... so summer is here, well, unofficially... but when you jump from 40's/50's all the way up to the 90's... I mean, c'mon

so, I'm not complaining... this weekend has been a wonderful relaxing walk in the sun... literally.

the big yellow POS had a wire shoved between the brake light assembly and the fender... electricity flows and circuit breakers pop... something very therapeutic about...
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i love it when a guy talks mechanics love
though i understand sod all confused

1/.on.....today blush in...... last week driving......the first day i got my mr2 ( red targa top, black leather interior) i loved that car.
2/.loving someone long enough to have 2 daughters, sod the bad times..they make up for all of that.
3/.never had one....often thought i had, but that pesky sexual thing keeps raising its head
... there are those things in life you really appreciate the most... an apple fritter with your cup of coffee... a good cigar with a cold glass of lager... the quiet companionship of your little red-haired buddy as you sit reading Ayn Rand... and of course, a black "wife-beater" tank top on a warm Virginia morning...

... will spend a few more hours reading... and...
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1. sleeping till i'm ready to get up...
2. um... crap, i think i need a new book... but then i ask, "what spare time?"
3. yes yes YES. bastards.

mmm.... i'm making a pot pie again... i think i'm ready to try my hand at eating this sucker with less burning... wish me luck! kiss
I hate to procrastinate... there is a light circuit on the big yellow POS that has to be worked on... yet I found time to sleep and do laundry today. So I am on foot momentarily while I get up the gumption to fix that shorted out wire...

Outside of all that... it has been a pretty phenominal week... well, I havent had sex yet......
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Eek! I accidentally erased you from my friends list.

Oh, OK... Questions!

1. My mom's car makes a stupid squeaky noise and I doused the engine in WD40, and the squeaking stopped. I don't think that counts, but whatever.

2. I ride the bus usually, so there are too many answers to this question smile

3. Sure haven't.

Thanks for the e-whiskey and chocolate vikingwolfe!!
... wow! wonderful cigar buzzzzzz..... sahhhweeet!

such are the small pleasures in life...
slept for about four hours today, the little red-haired fella was pining to go out and explore... it is a beautiful day. so, after our walk and a quick ride down to the coffee shop... here we sit, reflecting on what a lovely smoke can do for one's spirit...

rain is so...
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huge, vibrant , colourful , meaningful tats love
cant wait to see biggrin
No, I absolutel do not think it's selfish to love yourself first before you love anyone else, I think it's essential. But then again, that wasnt the tpoic, now was it? lol wink
No, I dont think it matters what the gender of your lover is ... at all. And of course I believe you can love someone and be married to someone else. After all, Im married ... but I will always love my ex gf, denice. Althought it would never really owkr out between us because our personalities clash so hard. But Ill always love that girl. *sigh*