Well... last night was certainly interesting...
My neighbor upstairs, decides it is time I get out of my apartment and meet some new people... so, I tag along on a business venture (I am helping him install rott-iron fence and gates he manufactures himself) he is meeting a lady who is interested in setting a gate on her estate... she is bringing along a friend, who also keeps herself at home... both ladies turn out to be heffers... sorry, but I calls 'em as I sees 'em...
So then after that little meeting, he wants to go shoot some pool... so we do, and I end up swilling down three beers, a cheeseburger, and shoot the shit out of the table... after watching some idiot red-neck try something with a younger couple (the dude was black and she was white) he ends up walking out of the joint, he new he was wrong and being an idiot racist... all this time, we are talking about women and relationships... and he is like, you know, you shouldnt be so picky... and I am like, fine, you go take on the heffers... and he is like, well, no... that's not what I meant, and I laughed and said he was picky too...
So... here we have shallow Hal "1" and "2" drinking beer and laughing at each other... so what, I just dropped 18 pounds... and have been told I still look like I am in my 30's... I take pride in that, and I am not about to compromise my principles in how someone should treat themselves... if I need to hybernate in my cave for a while, then that is probably what I needed in the first place... FTW and it's bullshit opinions!
*That felt good!*
My neighbor upstairs, decides it is time I get out of my apartment and meet some new people... so, I tag along on a business venture (I am helping him install rott-iron fence and gates he manufactures himself) he is meeting a lady who is interested in setting a gate on her estate... she is bringing along a friend, who also keeps herself at home... both ladies turn out to be heffers... sorry, but I calls 'em as I sees 'em...
So then after that little meeting, he wants to go shoot some pool... so we do, and I end up swilling down three beers, a cheeseburger, and shoot the shit out of the table... after watching some idiot red-neck try something with a younger couple (the dude was black and she was white) he ends up walking out of the joint, he new he was wrong and being an idiot racist... all this time, we are talking about women and relationships... and he is like, you know, you shouldnt be so picky... and I am like, fine, you go take on the heffers... and he is like, well, no... that's not what I meant, and I laughed and said he was picky too...
So... here we have shallow Hal "1" and "2" drinking beer and laughing at each other... so what, I just dropped 18 pounds... and have been told I still look like I am in my 30's... I take pride in that, and I am not about to compromise my principles in how someone should treat themselves... if I need to hybernate in my cave for a while, then that is probably what I needed in the first place... FTW and it's bullshit opinions!
*That felt good!*



got me arm lasered again today. hurts like crazy, and i should be napping, but i always seem to get sucked in. i don't have nearly the time i'd like to spend on the site, so when i have a moment i jump at the opportunity...
*sigh* you're so sweet... thanks for putting up with my long periods of silence. my absence makes me feel like such a freakin' jerk sometimes...