The little red-haired dude and I have been walking twice a day through the local college campus... and I have noticed a rash of statements posted hither and yon about... now I served 22 years in the Marines for the right to free speech... and I am a firm supporter of the constitution in it's purist form... how-so-ever...
Why the hell are some idiots posting anti-establishment anti-war anti-what-the-effin hell?
(whew) Now my point (under my cap)...
I dont mind that someone has taken it upon themselves to feel out and post messages that are anti-war... I do however, object to the posted notes that have anything anti-war yet include pro-military slant... Dudes! You dont get it!!!!
First... unless you were out of country, stoned out of your gourd, and/or too young to vote... and you didnt vote... you dont get to say shit about what the hell this current administration is doing...
Second... dont try to peanut butter or sweeten the anti-war gig with "we support the troops" bull.... we dont appreciate that....
I took an oath... even when Slick Willy and his hidden cigar tricks were in office... to go to war when directed to...
to kill and or destroy enemies of the state, when directed to... and then to represent as an "Ambassador" of this great country... that means, that whether I believed in killing, mass destruction, and all the little nasties that are associated with war, I still signed a binding agreement to put my life on the line... do not, include me in your little political stance for or against this current administration... it is neither appreciated or necessary....
(steps down off the soap box)
I do hope all my friends out there are having a joyous weekend in this great free country of ours... enjoy the moment, they go by so quickly!
Why the hell are some idiots posting anti-establishment anti-war anti-what-the-effin hell?
(whew) Now my point (under my cap)...
I dont mind that someone has taken it upon themselves to feel out and post messages that are anti-war... I do however, object to the posted notes that have anything anti-war yet include pro-military slant... Dudes! You dont get it!!!!
First... unless you were out of country, stoned out of your gourd, and/or too young to vote... and you didnt vote... you dont get to say shit about what the hell this current administration is doing...
Second... dont try to peanut butter or sweeten the anti-war gig with "we support the troops" bull.... we dont appreciate that....
I took an oath... even when Slick Willy and his hidden cigar tricks were in office... to go to war when directed to...
to kill and or destroy enemies of the state, when directed to... and then to represent as an "Ambassador" of this great country... that means, that whether I believed in killing, mass destruction, and all the little nasties that are associated with war, I still signed a binding agreement to put my life on the line... do not, include me in your little political stance for or against this current administration... it is neither appreciated or necessary....
(steps down off the soap box)
I do hope all my friends out there are having a joyous weekend in this great free country of ours... enjoy the moment, they go by so quickly!


I hear ya man, Im 2 seconds away from leaving this bullshit country. Recently things have just gotten so much worse and I dont even think I can stand by and let this crap happen, I want out of this shithole. Fuck america.
re: duct tape: you're a nutball.