Sunday, Bloody Sunday...
there is actually some of the greatest music I have heard here in the coffee shop this morning... clarinet and trombone swinging along with a banjo and trumpet... the old stand up bass just whackin along and a simple snare drum... tooo effin cool....
coffee, breakfast bagel, and a good book... Doughnut is waiting for me outside with his water dish... and I brought the note pad to write my daughter... I received her first letter from bootcamp Friday... but then, I probably mentioned that twice already...
sorry.... Father's love for his daughter...
1. Best memories of home?
2. Best memories of road travel?
3. Best memories of travel overseas?
1. Family out at the lake in Minnesota.
2. First time I drove from Minnesota to California... stopped in Vail to snow ski.
3. Second trip to Saudi Arabia after having been there for Desert Storm... I drank tea with a Saudi Sergeant in a tent, we sat on cushions and talked about the differences of our countries... I couldnt speak Arabic... and he couldnt speak English... talked just like two old drinking buddies!
there is actually some of the greatest music I have heard here in the coffee shop this morning... clarinet and trombone swinging along with a banjo and trumpet... the old stand up bass just whackin along and a simple snare drum... tooo effin cool....
coffee, breakfast bagel, and a good book... Doughnut is waiting for me outside with his water dish... and I brought the note pad to write my daughter... I received her first letter from bootcamp Friday... but then, I probably mentioned that twice already...
sorry.... Father's love for his daughter...
1. Best memories of home?
2. Best memories of road travel?
3. Best memories of travel overseas?
1. Family out at the lake in Minnesota.
2. First time I drove from Minnesota to California... stopped in Vail to snow ski.
3. Second trip to Saudi Arabia after having been there for Desert Storm... I drank tea with a Saudi Sergeant in a tent, we sat on cushions and talked about the differences of our countries... I couldnt speak Arabic... and he couldnt speak English... talked just like two old drinking buddies!


2. Two trips on the bike (Maine, and the southern Appalachians), with the long ago girlfriend.
3. Two week TDY in Manizales, Colombia (it's in the SG Military, Best Assignment thread.
Hey there old man, I'm a Desert Stormer too, was with the 101st. Aviation Officer.
whats with the 13 :oink??