You learn so much about yourself through others... I have learned that beer is an inevitable part of my life. Not that I consider myself an alcoholic... rather, it amuses people to see me sit here in the AM with a pint relaxed... isnt that the way you should feel anyway?
Thankyou all you beautiful people for adding me to your lists... that makes an old man feel good... better than beer at times.
Relationships are odd... you feel like you can take on the world yourself, and then realize that conquering in one way or another comes at the expense of others... good or bad. Thank you to both!
I took the Police written test today... was half asleep as I had just finished my overnight workshift... but, I think the old military common sense thingy kicked in and I did well... will know Monday for sure if I proceed to the next phase or not.
Thankyou all you beautiful people for adding me to your lists... that makes an old man feel good... better than beer at times.
Relationships are odd... you feel like you can take on the world yourself, and then realize that conquering in one way or another comes at the expense of others... good or bad. Thank you to both!
I took the Police written test today... was half asleep as I had just finished my overnight workshift... but, I think the old military common sense thingy kicked in and I did well... will know Monday for sure if I proceed to the next phase or not.


And I'm glad to make an old man like u happy to be on my friends list
good luck on the police test. hopefully it will work out favorably.