Last swallow of beer and I am on my way to the floor for a nap...
The little red-headed fellow in my arms, he has adjusted nicely to the new digs... I came home this morning after work and found his little back legs crossed as he danced about the carpet... needless to say, he enjoyed him a tree trunk this morn...
Have checked the apartment complex I moved into... lottsa mulch, no sand... I think I am in luck keeping him clean of cat illnesses... mind you, I do love cats and as proof, I can produce pics... honest, dont hate the big bad Marine. Dont be a hater...
The little red-headed fellow in my arms, he has adjusted nicely to the new digs... I came home this morning after work and found his little back legs crossed as he danced about the carpet... needless to say, he enjoyed him a tree trunk this morn...
Have checked the apartment complex I moved into... lottsa mulch, no sand... I think I am in luck keeping him clean of cat illnesses... mind you, I do love cats and as proof, I can produce pics... honest, dont hate the big bad Marine. Dont be a hater...

oh come on, angelina jolie? you can do better than that. I asked for a VIRTUAL girl. if you're going to chose a real girl, you should have chosen a SuicideGirl!