... so I stopped in town to have a couple of beers after work... so what, but everyone is sitting around having breakfast and coffee... yeah, ok... and the kids are running around and having a blast just screaming and laughing...
thought: innocence
... I moved on to the public library to type a letter... sat down at the PC and decided to check email... whatever, but, I had to check here to see what new developments have popped up... why do I care what people think in a public library why I am checking this shit out?
thought: paranoia, no... perhaps fear of being myself!
I need a nother beer...
Sorry, REALLY bad way to start my first real journal entry, lets try again..................................................................
Hey there Mister Veedubya. *jumps up & down frantically waving & grins* A big thumbs up on the dislike of disco and also on your favourite band description As for the "thinking" shit (provocative books), I'd be inclined to agree if it weren't for the overpowering smell of burning rubber whenever the thought process begins.