Hard to sleep today... just alot of shit happening all at once...

Sunday is bonus day... Friday is payday... Monday is move day... Tuesday is chilling out for the start of a new week at work (what will they complain about this time?) I had to apologize to someone last night... why, I still dont get it, but I would rather have good kharma than bad... so I humored her!

How do you know when you are in love... rather, you know that you want this person to be in your life forever?

can you imagine being with this person forever? Really truly, growing old together and all of that?
Another symptom of Love is imagining how you'd feel without that person in your life, and if that thought completely crushes you, you've probably got it bad ... that doesn't tell you whether it's meant to be or not, unfortunately.
Also being with someone long term necessitates that you can actually live with each others' habits and foibles on a day-to-day basis. I've seen couples painfully in Love, but they couldn't hack the living-together thing.
I'm very lucky to have found someone that not only am I in love with him, but we get along really well. (5 + years, and fully intending to grow old together).
Here you go, go on a 2-week road trip to the desert in a 1977 BMW with no AC, spend 24-7 together, and see if you're still madly in love after that
I have to work tonight.... Lord, please let me prove to you that winning the Mega-millions will not corrupt nor spoil me!
They are closing the coffee shop.... that cold lonely ride to Home Depot!
Tommorrow morning... if I make it!