We are on count-down.... one more night and then back from the dead!

Have to admit that I will miss the two beer breakfast after work... kind of liked the way fellers looked at me sitting there with bagel and beer at 8:00 am....

The little red-haired dude made his first kill yesterday evening... he nailed the little grey tailed sucker right by the tree...
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sleepy. just work... cuz i'm lame. and... you know, sleepy. whatever
shhhh... go to sleep!


oink oink oink
13 oink

(tension breaker)

Hello Kats and Kitties.... today Uncle Wolfe has a little tale to tell...

Seems that stess and frustration are the norm at the Orange Box... so be it, you take a job, you take the shyte that comes with it... well there has been a change of late... the Wolfe is back to day shift (OOORRRAAHHHH).... as of Monday... AM to early...
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when...? no, seriously, when? biggrin
raynd=long winded (but well worth it)
The little red-haired dude and I have been walking twice a day through the local college campus... and I have noticed a rash of statements posted hither and yon about... now I served 22 years in the Marines for the right to free speech... and I am a firm supporter of the constitution in it's purist form... how-so-ever...

Why the hell are some idiots posting...
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hahaha, I have no idea what you even said in my journal but it was funny and I laughed. Whats all this abt a phallus????

I hear ya man, Im 2 seconds away from leaving this bullshit country. Recently things have just gotten so much worse and I dont even think I can stand by and let this crap happen, I want out of this shithole. Fuck america.
very interesting and heartfelt journal entry.

re: duct tape: you're a nutball. confused
Wow... I am back!

That's pretty intense... out walking with the little red-haired dude... there is a carnival or "fun-day" on the local college campus going on... they have all those amusement activities that require you "inflate" the venue... a boxing ring with oversized boxing gloves and the floor of the ring is super bouncy... you get the picture. Local thrash band is setting up......
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1. Where would you ideally want to attend college?
ohio state

2. What would your major be?
anything that would get me as close to retail business ownership as possible.

3. What would be your secondary or minor be?

thanks for the compliment.
when I was small ... I visited haarvard and fell in love. I insisted that I would go there! A lot of ppl tried very hard to talk me out of it, but to no avail. I applied. And of course didnt get in, lol! Not even the valadictorian (sp?) of my school got in, hell! NO ONE gets in that school! And yeah ... the major would have been law. Minor? Shit, I can only shoose ONE??? PFFFFFFT
... well, surprising I am in a wonderful mood today...

Hot as hell out... soon there will be humidity on top of the heat (gots ta luv Central VA)...
Slept wonderfully in the new Apartment... Central Air is such a wonder...
One thing leads to another...

Now for the rest of the day... transmission is out on the Chevy... not sure what it will cost......
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no questions? damn it...then answer mine skull

vikingwolfe said onApril 23

... and they wonder why someone invented duct tape... for those nasty little head explosions...


you're too funny with that duck comment. tongue and yeah everyone knows that duct tape is god's gift to the world. what would we do without it.

i remember when my little cousin was like 3 years old and this was during the time when McGuyver was really big, right? and so he was getting tickled by my uncle and he ripped my uncle's front shirt pocket. he immediately gets this scared/shocked look on his face and yells:

get the duct tape... get the duct tape. that'll fix it.

i still crack up thinking about how frantic he sounded but just how sure he was that it could fix anything.

oh well i hope that your good mood continues right into the weekend and keeps on going. have a good one.

Monday AM...
Hey y'all... we are going to leave this one up for a while... typical Monday, coffee with perhaps an apple fritter... write the daughter a letter, and then back to the apartment for some cleaning...

Sunday AM:
...do you have cyclists in your neck of the woods? you know, the neon glow in the morning and the unrelentless filling of water bottles? this...
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1) neon colors should be outlawed always!
2) spandex should be outlawed always!
3) No, I really dislike when people stare at me. It makes me paranoid.
The vet didn't seem to think it was an emergency...??
... talked myself into the Thai Veggie Wrap tonight... (did you hear that JAMES?) Enjoying the Mutha Effin outa it too...

Little red-haired dude is with me... so I am eating while I type... otherwise, I have to share dinner....

Just a quickie tonight... relationships really suck! That is my only real immediate sittin on the brain have to get out in print kinda thing......
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1. when you're not happy, and not willing to try anymore
2. when you're tired of the game, and you're ready for something real. or, you're too stubborn...?
3. because there's no other way to grow and learn as a species, and as individuals
1/. when you know its time to do it....and you WILL know.
2/. because we are all scared inside and starting again means the possibility of failing again, and thats scary.
3/. because we are not alone in the world and everyone is different, so we file off our edges as we rub against each other and get comfy.
... the only thought I have today: "I would like to be a squirrel for about one hour. Reason; to harass the little red-haired dude and give him something to feel good about."

Now, having said that... that little sucker is quick... tagged two squirrels this past weekend...

1. If you could harass your pet, what animal would you have to be?
2. Do you...
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1. If you could harass your pet, what animal would you have to be?
2. Do you feel guilty about being larger than life to your pet?
3. Has anyone expressed jealousy over the relationship you have with your pet?

1) a bunny
2) no
3) yes...

as far as squirrels
neutotically yours

wanna kiss
Hey there... my cat specializes in being UNDERFOOT.
Sometimes I wonder what it's like for him, because I'm so much bigger. It's even more strange for birds, though, like a parakeet can be quite friendly, but what does he think I am? Another bird? A flightless, naked bird about 1,000 times his body weight?

My cat is most bothered by other cats "bad cats" he sees out the window.

I hope my husband was being facetious when he expressed jealousy of my #1 boy,

This is where I wane nostalgic and sing along with the Beach Boys.... "warmth of the sun" (used to have a great falsetto)...
anyway, jumped on the bike this morning to a wonderfully chilly blue-skyed sunshiny morning (ohhhh Doris Day... you rook mahvalus)...

Ok enough foolishness... full belly and feeling a bit like nappy time...
...need a shave... need my earing... and I need a...
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Rainy Monday....
... spoke with a friend Sunady about Atlanta... big music festival down there getting rained out... so, I expected today to be somewhat miserable... but, I dont know... I always seem to enjoy the cleaning that happens with rain... and of course... would rather see green than brown...

... havent heard this version of Elton John: live recording of "Your Song"....
rather nice...
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1. The Replacements/Let it be
2. Pizza and herbal tea
3. Running around in the rain, watching movies, over-journaling

smile smile smile
my personal marine/boytoy/life mate/ soul mate.....John. he is my big daddy. lol. but i still have love for you don't worry. you and the red head.

wanna love
Sunday, Bloody Sunday...

there is actually some of the greatest music I have heard here in the coffee shop this morning... clarinet and trombone swinging along with a banjo and trumpet... the old stand up bass just whackin along and a simple snare drum... tooo effin cool....

coffee, breakfast bagel, and a good book... Doughnut is waiting for me outside with his water dish... and...
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1. Summers at the lake in CT.
2. Two trips on the bike (Maine, and the southern Appalachians), with the long ago girlfriend.
3. Two week TDY in Manizales, Colombia (it's in the SG Military, Best Assignment thread.

Hey there old man, I'm a Desert Stormer too, was with the 101st. Aviation Officer. ARRR!!!
eh...? shocked

whats with the 13 :oink??
find new battery cable for negative post of truck...
attach plates and then take to car wash...
grab little red-haired dude and drive out old gas...
fill tank with good shyte... add STP carb cleaner...
mmmm.... get groceries (out-of-beer)...
feed friend's cat... take little red-haired dude to exercise kitty.... (hehehehe)

take nappy...

did I miss anything?

oink oink oink
13 oink

When I insert here ( dont ever add...
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body building is the BEST. i love lifting and getting stronger - it is part of my summer plan.

sounds like a good day.