It was real, it was fun, y'all take care!

Doughtnut says you all will be missed!

oink oink oink
13 oink
Good to see you're still on the site. well, sort of anyway..
What's UP????
I sense that I was missed to an extent... I apologize for the week of "spelunking" as martians are apt... this means of course that there was major bonding on the part of canine companion and homo sapia... doughtnut says "hello"...

To all who stopped by to read about proud papa... thank you for your kind words... for those of you just being nosey... hi!...
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Good luck on making your decision. wink
avidly praying! biggrin
So... the new Marine is driving down to see the old man tommorrow... she sounds so "adult" now... have to remind her about the young men that I used to be when I was a "Private First Class" (shudders)... I am sure she will be fine! She is my daughter after all...

I have a whole new perspective of this website and its members now,...
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Hey Scooby... I mean, Gunny... Where Are You?

Hey.... Hey Donut! Go find Gunny... go on.. go find him... tell him its been almost 2 weeks and his friends miss him!

Good Boy! Go get him!

I ♥ Donut!
Pulled in this morning at 02:30... rained all the way from Fayetteville, NC. So, this is how it went:

Started out Thursday morning at 07:00 on the bike for Charleston, SC from just north of Richmond, VA. The big yellow POS rode great, never heard a motor hum like the old EVO. Arrived Parris Island, SC, that afternoon at 14:30 (2:30 for all of you...
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i made it home... and i'm safe. blush thanks for thinking about me... flying is terrifying for this little naked girl... and the flight home was turbulant like nothing i've never experienced before.

i think i peed a little bit.

i just need a hug. that's all.
Thanks for the comments. Yeah I'm sure 22 years as a "jar-head" would be pretty influential. You must have some awesome stories to tell from those days! You should share some with us sometime.

Doughnut had some things he wanted to clear up here:

1.) How does he get off eating pizza while I have to eat pressed soy and artificial flavoring, call a dog treat?

2.) Next time I ask for a beer, I just dont want to have to lick what is left on the opening of the beer bottle.

3.) You lay down and let me...
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You tell him Doughnut!

Are you/Did you take him with you?

Are you going to post pics of your daughter's grad?

Did you remember to pack a camera? Buy film?

Hope you enjoy/enjoyed seeing her!

ASH is so great... I liked what she had to say to herself were she to travel back in time...

COMICKING, thanks for the offer, will let you know... did you get the cell number I sent?

BENNI, be careful on the road... come back safe!

TOBIE... LMAO, you dont have 17 nieces and nephews like I do... why do you think I have one...
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Must have been leaving my last comment for you while you wrote this entry. Yeah I got it, and mission failure.. forgot to give it. But did make a call, and left it on voicemail, she'll get it, if she checks the voicemail..

What offer? It was just a response to your question. I hardly ever use that email account, otherwise I would send a response that way.. realized that that was prolly where you sent what you did and was able to retrieve it from work, but as I said mission failure (for the most part), I'll still get the print-out to her.
when I recover from yesterday I think the week will start to look up. smile
OMG...17! eeek
I am worn out with just the 2 that have stayed over.
My brothers are a riot... so, this is what happened. I figure that given my mood, I had better talk to brother No. 5. As it turns out, when I call he is talking with brother No. 8... I tell him before he beeps back, to tell No. 8 that I am going to call him later. When brother No. 5 beeps back to me...
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I can forward anything to Benni that you like, as long as it isn't physical. I'm her friend and look at her similarly to how I'm sure you do to your daugther. The only difference is, Benni has naked photos of herself here.

But you have to tell me what to forward. I might not see this site before I talk to her, so unless you're on before I go to work tomorrow, I may not see what you want to forward (I can't access the site from work, too many firewalls there) and she's leaving for houston on wednesday.
Nevermind, got it, didn't realize you emailed me. Will deliver if she remembers me.
So... here we are, typical Saturday afternoon... Doughnut is outside getting nothing but love... and I sit here a the 'puter thinking about why I am failing myself again.

I dont know that I necessarily fucked up, but, I certainly could have done better at planning this upcoming week...
Right now, I would give anything to turn back the clock for a few months and...
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Best of luck... I'd like to turn back the wallet about 6 months.. change nothing else.. just not have spent as fruitlessly as I did.. I have plans and transportation just no cash to do anything once I get there.. if I go now that is.. Originally thinking of August this year... now might have to be July 2007..
OK... so, BENNI is suffering from laser burns... ASH wants a new pet *MEERKAT*... and everyone else is out traveling this summer.... what da fuck!

Just thinking out loud... what I would like to do is find out that I am the next millionaire and travel to Denmark after I see my daughter graduate bootcamp and my parents in MINNE-SOH-TAH.... drag out the SOOHHH when...
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The chili cook off was great! There really wasn't that much chili!! I ate hardly any, but had bbq chicken. Yummers!
nothing like the stories you get from the road. i have fond memories from my drive to texas. never thought it would it would have landed me the woman of my dreams....in denver. skull
Work is going to smoothly... and there are some events that are happening in my life that are, to say the least, a counter balance to the same... yin and yang...

As I mentioned Sunday... there was this little episode at the local pool hall... there is actually more to continue with:

Sunday night, said neighbor shows up and we sit outside and have a...
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whattya mean you ain't like dat? I think if I smeared my face in some gravy, the little red-haired dude would give me plenty of kiss !

I got nothing
Well... last night was certainly interesting...

My neighbor upstairs, decides it is time I get out of my apartment and meet some new people... so, I tag along on a business venture (I am helping him install rott-iron fence and gates he manufactures himself) he is meeting a lady who is interested in setting a gate on her estate... she is bringing along a friend,...
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ive been a terrible and neglectful friend... ill email you soon. but now... sleep.
hmmm... i never did sleep, and my e-mail is all messed up (operation timed out: gateway error 404) so here i am again for ya! biggrin hehe... shallow hal 1 and 2. while i'm one of those people who will preach up and down that physical beauty doesn't mean shit, at the same time, if you're not attracted to someone, why bother...? you probably won't be attracted to them and then everything goes to hell. damn kids, with their rock music.

got me arm lasered again today. hurts like crazy, and i should be napping, but i always seem to get sucked in. i don't have nearly the time i'd like to spend on the site, so when i have a moment i jump at the opportunity...

*sigh* you're so sweet... thanks for putting up with my long periods of silence. my absence makes me feel like such a freakin' jerk sometimes...
I was just going to let today go by and keep it personal... but then I got to thinking about the world today as we know it...

When I enlisted in the Marines, we transitioned from the Carter administration to the Regan/Bush White House... at that time, young Marines who were even suspected of being narcs were thrown off of third and fourth story buildings......
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My favorite presidents were Kennedy and Clinton. We have a lot to talk about!!!
Yeah, god bless that mans soul. I cant stand republicans tho, lol!! He was a great guy, in a lot of aspects. Unfortunately I was just a baybeh when he was in office, but I know a great deal abt him. Enough to say Im sorry he's gone. Now bush on the other hand ....

If I couldnt smoke pot in the marines then I couldnt join the army. sorry. It really keeps me sane, I mean it. Yesterday I was flipping nuts, just irritable, crabby, BITCHY, depressed, UNBEARABLE ... and my friend says to me, "go smoke a joint!" and I told him "Im out!" and he says "well hunny thats your problem!"

you and I have a lot of the same faves as far as books are concerned. or did I say that a long time ago?