A great night was had Saturday, it had it all rugby, beer, mates and very cool old school arcade games. I went to the pub in Fitzroy called the Royal Derby Hotel. If it was not for my current reliance on public transport to get to work I would live in Fitzroy. I reckon it is the coolest part of Melbourne. Anyway, this pub... basically all the seating is old couches and arm chairs and it is one of the few places in Melbourne to play the rugby. So it's a lot like being in your own lounge except there is beer on tap... purrfect. And what I didn't realize but found out last Saturday was they have old arcade games like Pacman, Galaga frogger etc... in these tables. I think I spent $20 playing Galaga, fuck I love that game, I remember playing it as a wee boy at the local fish and chip shop... hmmm good times.
i can't seem to find a link for you, and i don't know if they're released down in Australia, but in the states they make "consoles" that are just the old Atari joystick/button, and you plug them directly into your TV and they come with like 5 or 15 or 45 games directly in the joystick for like fifteen bucks. The joystick IS the console. Just Joystick:TV;Old School Atari games. Definitely worth looking into.
Galaga for NZ$0.10 for 3 games at some bar in Queenstown ... fucking rewels