Butterfly and Hurricanes
you can't blame people for stuff nobody can control and it's unfair the hurricane should blame itself for the damaged caused since a storm is itself supposed to be the cause of a butterfly...
I wish I was less stupid (butterflies don't have a lot of time to think) but anyway it wouldn't have changed any thing and that's even great because that's what i want my life to be made of.. ups and downs, the downs being there to be able to appreciate even more the positive stuff.. This story might get me down for a while reminding me after all that feelings are only part of human being , but any way it brought me so much as a counter part that i can't feel sorry too much and tears never felt so bloody sweet..
Dying of thirst is quite avant-garde when you have fangs and pale skin.
je vais essayer de pas trop trop venir sur le site prochainement, laissez moi un message je rpondrai quand j'aurais rcupr (sant connexion correcte vie ennuyeuse mourir, bref une existence saine quoi ^^)
you can't blame people for stuff nobody can control and it's unfair the hurricane should blame itself for the damaged caused since a storm is itself supposed to be the cause of a butterfly...
I wish I was less stupid (butterflies don't have a lot of time to think) but anyway it wouldn't have changed any thing and that's even great because that's what i want my life to be made of.. ups and downs, the downs being there to be able to appreciate even more the positive stuff.. This story might get me down for a while reminding me after all that feelings are only part of human being , but any way it brought me so much as a counter part that i can't feel sorry too much and tears never felt so bloody sweet..
Dying of thirst is quite avant-garde when you have fangs and pale skin.
je vais essayer de pas trop trop venir sur le site prochainement, laissez moi un message je rpondrai quand j'aurais rcupr (sant connexion correcte vie ennuyeuse mourir, bref une existence saine quoi ^^)
J'espere vraiment que cette journe se passera au mieux pour toi, et qu'aucune crasse ne t'arriverais contrairement d'habitude, je ne suis pas l mais j'espere que cet 'avant anniversaire' aura quand meme un peu compt, bon ok qu'il ne soit pas moins bien qu'aujourd hui hein parce que je serais po contente lol, je sais je suis stupide et possessive quand je veux, enfin bref, je souhaite vraiment que tu ne reste pas toute seule aujourd hui et qu'il fasse un minimum de soleil dans ta vie
Bon sinon j'espere que tu seras quand meme un minimum prsente ici hein?
Te laisser Porcinet en pension?? Peufeu, pour que tu le morde! Pov bete!!
(le livre de Vince Ray est gnial