bonjour vous tes bien sur la messagerie sg de vii, elle se cache dans la baignoire pour le moment mais vous pouvez lui laisser un message, elle vous recontactera ds qu'elle aura fini sa liste de rsolutions...
oui je sais dans la baignoire c'est mal parti...
hi there, you've reach vii answer machine, she's currently hiding in her bathtub so leave a message and she'll get back to you as soon as she can
a little tune to wait,
"She gave you everything she had
But she was young and dumb
She'd just turned 21
She didn't care to hang around
So when the shit came down why she was nowhere to be found
This life can turn a good girl bad
She was the sweetest thing that you had ever seen
You're so such a delicate boy
In the hysterical realm
Of an emotional landslide
In physical terms
With your cherry lips and golden curls
You could make grown men gasp when you go walking past
And in your hot pants and high heels
They could not believe that such a body was for real
It seemed like rainbows would appear
Whenever you came near the clouds would disappear
Because you looked just like a girl
Your baby blues would flash and suddenly a spell was cast
You're so such a delicate boy
In the hysterical realm
Of an emotional landslide
In physical terms "
"cherry lips" garbage
oui je sais dans la baignoire c'est mal parti...
hi there, you've reach vii answer machine, she's currently hiding in her bathtub so leave a message and she'll get back to you as soon as she can

a little tune to wait,
"She gave you everything she had
But she was young and dumb
She'd just turned 21
She didn't care to hang around
So when the shit came down why she was nowhere to be found
This life can turn a good girl bad
She was the sweetest thing that you had ever seen
You're so such a delicate boy
In the hysterical realm
Of an emotional landslide
In physical terms
With your cherry lips and golden curls
You could make grown men gasp when you go walking past
And in your hot pants and high heels
They could not believe that such a body was for real
It seemed like rainbows would appear
Whenever you came near the clouds would disappear
Because you looked just like a girl
Your baby blues would flash and suddenly a spell was cast
You're so such a delicate boy
In the hysterical realm
Of an emotional landslide
In physical terms "
"cherry lips" garbage
Mais on loge chez un copain et j'y vais avec deux personnes en qui j'ai toute confiance donjc ca devrait aller :o).
ah l'angoisse...