well there isnt
one new thing
going on maybe
the fact that i
came down with
sadness for
what ever reason
but O well its just
the otherside to
life and i just deal
i love me niece
and i drew this
doom doodle
on the train the other day
i also still miss
my beard alot
but i been sporting
this face lately i
guess its ok

one new thing
going on maybe
the fact that i
came down with
sadness for
what ever reason

but O well its just
the otherside to
life and i just deal
i love me niece
and i drew this
doom doodle
on the train the other day

i also still miss
my beard alot

but i been sporting
this face lately i
guess its ok

well that shit happens...
then it goes away and you cant even remember it.
if you miss your beard... remember hair grows fast!!!
big kiss!!