I love a good fact...maybe you already knew some of these? :D
1: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will get married on Saturday 19th May
2: The above date also marks the anniversary of Anne Boleyn's beheading...will Meghan fair any better? And do we care?
3: While penguins mate for life, puffins tend to...shall we say have 'casual flirtations' with other puffins in between mating season with their traditional partner. Sound like anyone you know?
4: Oreo cookies in the UK are vegan! (be sure to check the flavour though, the peanut butter variety still aren't...damn you peanuts!)
5: A group of cats is called a clowder.
6: Avocados are an Aztec symbol of love and fertility, and they also grow in pairs on trees.
7: Pigs can outperform 3-year-old child on cognition tests and are smarter than any domestic animal. Animal experts consider them more trainable than cats and dogs. Go pigs!
8: Big Ben is not actually the name of the London clock, it is the name of the bell which is inside the clock.
9: This site has the "jammiest bits of jam" I must say. If you were in Victorian England in around 1883, you probably would have meant "this site has the most perfect young ladies".
10: Use hugging for pain relief! Oxytocin, the cuddle hormone, is produced when you cuddle or hold someone. Apparently a healthy dose of oxytocin decreases headaches significantly, and for some it even makes the pain go away completely after 4 hours. So why not try a hug before you reach for the aspirin!