While scrolling through one media or the other, an SG post rolled by. I backed up, curious. The model's name was something I always called another member, so it seemed odd to see it in print. Regardless, I found myself back here, wondering what, if anything, was going on. I began to scroll through my friends list... sorry, "following" list, but was too depressed by the time I hit the Bs to continue, as I began to see blank images. I also noticed that my "followers" list is much shorter, whereas in the days of "friends" it would have been equal. I went to my groups, but didn't recognize the names, nor did many of them seem terribly active.
I'm not sure what this place has become. It's like I went on vacation and my neighbors were evicted and the whole fucking neighborhood gentrified. It looks like Irvine...
But, hey, fuck it, I'll drop some news anyway;
I'm still in Santa Cruz, still hanging with my sweetie and her tribe. I'm wrenching bicycles like a fiend (the Big Red Ess, of all things), dealing with sheep and motorheads who all thing they're Red Bull material. I'm deeply ensconced in SCDG and even attended my first WFTDA Officiating Clinic this weekend. Yeah, that's right, I'm going legit, learning all the rulez, and with an amazing crew. This league is awesome, skaters and officials both. The A-team is ranked #17 or #20 in the world, depending on who's algorithm you're using, and their C-team (of which my main crush is a member) just swept the Attack of the C-Squads tournament. Fucking undefeated this year!
Obviously, roller derby is a large part of my life again, probably more-so than ever. Even in my original fanboy days (when I interviewed the Munecas Muertas for the derby group here and actually learned how to skate), I wasn't going to regular scrimmages every week, plus working 90% of the bouts, much less showing up for random scrimmages, all-league practices, and training nights. Makes a difference when you're valued by the league and they let you know it.
That's all I've got. Lots more goes on around us, but I don't have words at the moment. But maybe I'll stir up some dust with this and find out who's hanging with the dust bunnies under the desk.
Be well, friends and followers. Spread Love, Spread Light.