Have you ever wondered, if your mom gave dad a blowjob just before she kissed you goodnight?
bwahahahaaa! the comment made me laugh so fucking hard.
but the journal...that's just gross. puke

what kind of circumstance would that be?

oh, and thank you! (for the tattoo compliment) biggrin
what am i still doing here... I really should slice this bit out so i don't help to screw my chances at germany... which i'm kinda on my way to doing anyway... must... come.. through...

finding a slick deal on airfare would even things out a bit... blargh. sometimes (insert long winded exasperated comment here) blah blah...
blah blah blah. Maybe I'M so creepy that even the creepy guy in your trunk wouldnt touch me wink ha ha ha ha
There should be laws against being up this early in the morning...
are you dead?
whew... computer unbroked... for now.
ah! where have you been???
i miss you, and i haven't been able to call you. i've lost all of my phone #'s...again. frown
you're just gonna have to bite the bullet, and call me. ARRR!!!
work other work and school... weeee. ooo and i finally slept last night. I had almost forgotten how to do that...

anyone know anyone going to wave gotik treffen per chance?
I'll be able to stop sleeping... sooner or later. but for now... it's kinda creepy.

I basically just slept through the last couple days.
ha, i wish i could sleep...
but you needed it.
call me when you wake up next week.
did you die? i haven't heard from you in weeks...
"your skin makes me crawl"
(not a song lyric)
if someone said that to me while mostly naked... i would think (and possibly say) "that's hot!"

"if flesh could crawl, my skin would fall..."
(is a song lyric)
I was going to put some blah blah up... but then i realized (yet again) how retarded the method of journal entry is here, and erased it all with the sudden and terrible urge to change something on my profile.

is there a better way to post entries?
Whatever you do dont post in nothing but song lyrics like some people have been doing lately *cough*cedar*cough* tongue I swear I am hog tying that girl next time I see her. Wait... she might like that too much! eeek
i will make it to wave-gotik-treffen...
i will make it to wave-gotik-treffen....
i will make it to wave-gotik-treffen...

(oddly enough, so far i'm well on my way... gooooo me)

whut's he going on about? www.wave-gotik-treffen.com that's what.. (looky looky you know you want to) note that the band list is in its infancy (check the "who and when" link to see the full extent of...
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i'm a lyrics slut too...have you seen my journal lately? it's all lyrics, almost all the time.... biggrin

and, excuse me...but...WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN???!
i miss you... frown
come back to the world now!