a note on the picture...
due to a recent personality front pushing into the midwest, there is a 30% chance of precipitation, and an 80% chance that I don't have any pictures that look like i do currently.
The skies should clear up towards the end of the week, with a strong chance of HELLFIRE RAINING DOWN and killing every 14th born on the planet. And possibly a new pic.
Until then.. deal. this is what you get. neener neener.
due to a recent personality front pushing into the midwest, there is a 30% chance of precipitation, and an 80% chance that I don't have any pictures that look like i do currently.
The skies should clear up towards the end of the week, with a strong chance of HELLFIRE RAINING DOWN and killing every 14th born on the planet. And possibly a new pic.
Until then.. deal. this is what you get. neener neener.
I do too.
[Edited on Jan 29, 2004 4:39PM]