So I finally got myself a copy of "A Serbian Film"

Almost wish I didn't now. This movie makes like Irreversible look downright wholesome in comparison. I won't go into the details but it's sick, a movie you will never forget. I'd recommend it but it's not exactly going to make your life any better if you did.
I still talk to Epiic and we've been talking about plans for another visit in September!

She told me she misses all of you on SG too. I mail some packages filled with goodness about twice a month. I recently gave her some movies.

There's been quite of lovely sets popping up on here, it's hard to keep track but here's my favorites.



and Scandal_ coming out very very soon!

I miss hanging out with her, helluva cool and helluva of a cook too!
Yours truly.
Some funny's for the road

Almost wish I didn't now. This movie makes like Irreversible look downright wholesome in comparison. I won't go into the details but it's sick, a movie you will never forget. I'd recommend it but it's not exactly going to make your life any better if you did.
I still talk to Epiic and we've been talking about plans for another visit in September!

She told me she misses all of you on SG too. I mail some packages filled with goodness about twice a month. I recently gave her some movies.

There's been quite of lovely sets popping up on here, it's hard to keep track but here's my favorites.



and Scandal_ coming out very very soon!

I miss hanging out with her, helluva cool and helluva of a cook too!
Yours truly.
Some funny's for the road

I felt the same way about Pluto Nash and Pootie Tang.
Great to hear about darling Epiic. Glad she's doing well and looking fabulous.