Scandal_ previously known as _Trouble_ has a new set coming out soon. I am very excited about it.
How can this beautiful woman not be a SG yet?

Yeah, she's something else.
I went on a date a few days ago.

We had fun, right now it's very casual. I like her but I like someone else even more, it's one of those things should I stay or should I go? Speaking of which I love this cover, I like it more than the original
Tovi in her latest blog wanted everybody to see her resumes for a winter cuddle buddy/friend, I threw my hat into the ring but I doubt she'll read it. I've always wanted to meet her, I've only ever heard nice, wonderful things about her, but hey you never know she might read this.

I miss you SG, I need to be back on here more often.
How can this beautiful woman not be a SG yet?

Yeah, she's something else.

I went on a date a few days ago.

We had fun, right now it's very casual. I like her but I like someone else even more, it's one of those things should I stay or should I go? Speaking of which I love this cover, I like it more than the original
Tovi in her latest blog wanted everybody to see her resumes for a winter cuddle buddy/friend, I threw my hat into the ring but I doubt she'll read it. I've always wanted to meet her, I've only ever heard nice, wonderful things about her, but hey you never know she might read this.

I miss you SG, I need to be back on here more often.
Scandal_ is indeed dollicious and hopefully this new set will bring pinkness.