Last weekend I spent hanging out with _trouble_ at her lovely home. We party down town singing karaoke, drinking a lot, and riding a mechanical bull, and even more drinking. We have a lot of fun, maybe too much, nah no such thing.
After I recovered from my hangover I worked on a man list for her at her house.
-Cleaning Fireplace
-Draining/Repair Hottub
-Cleaning gutters
-And a few other things.
I do it because I care
Sorry for the lack of photo evidence, ask Trouble for it. But I swear I was there, and we had fun!!!
There is a video on facebook of the mechanical bull riding!
Bull fail
Can't wait to see her again. So how are all of you doing?
After I recovered from my hangover I worked on a man list for her at her house.
-Cleaning Fireplace
-Draining/Repair Hottub
-Cleaning gutters
-And a few other things.
I do it because I care

Sorry for the lack of photo evidence, ask Trouble for it. But I swear I was there, and we had fun!!!
There is a video on facebook of the mechanical bull riding!
Bull fail
Can't wait to see her again. So how are all of you doing?
DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i misss yoooooooooooooooou, i saw the video blog of trouble, you guys looks amazing!!!