The only way out of fear is through it.
In the beginning of this month I was crushed by a car as the jackstands gave out and I was crushed under a car for 12 minutes which in resulted in 3 fractured ribs, a pinched lung, and stitches in my hand from me gripping the jack.
Here's the update my ribs are healing up okay, It doesn't hurt to breathe anymore and my hand is fine, just a little scar. However every night I dream of it and I wake up in a cold sweat, the pressure and the sight of a 2 ton mechanical tomb coming down on me. It scares the hell outta me.
Now here's the catcher...
I had to go back.
I never repaired what was wrong with the car and it needed to be fixed last week. With extra jackstands and some other setups to keep it up I finished the job, despite it taking nearly all day due to my uncontrollable fear of death.
I prevail but the car had one last dirty trick up it's sleeve. The little arm that holds up the hood, well that broke and came down on my fingernail, tearing it, yes my fingernail peel back and I had to get it bandaged it up and took some vicodin for the pain. It's a bloody mess, I take a picture but it hurts to remove the bandage.
The car is fixed and running perfect, it's quiet, clean, fast, and in decent shape. I just need a name I was thinking Christine.