pain's not ashamed to repeat itself.
All my old body (and emotional) injuries have been flaring up lately. My broken toe, broken ankle, broken nose, crushed fingers, sore neck, broken heart, im a magnet of pain.
I'm trapped in a creative draining tornado. I have all these concepts and ideas for my next short film and poetry collection, problem is Im chaning my mind every few minutes. I'm stressed out and it keeps me up all night. I don't want to rant but I feel like im just 'trapped"
KMFDM's new album WTF!? is out now. I being a true fan actually bought the CD, I usually steal from most bands but I bought the album and Capt K (lead singer) actually signs all the copies bought through the website. Here is my review.
If you love "new" KMFDM you will love this, it's like a solid mix of "Blitz" and "Tohuvabohu" if you're a fan of "old" KMFDM only, you'll enjoy the songs "Krank" "Spectre" and maybe "Lynchmob". If you don't know who KMFDM is then you're missing out dude, it's like having sex with a redhead and a brunette at the same time. Imagine Katy Perry and Christina Hendricks licking your ears, thats how KMFDM is to your ears. So on a scale of 1 to 10 I give the album a 9.
How many bands kick this much ass after 20 years? Not many. Metallica, Pearl Jam maybe?
Dating websites depress me. I have an account on Okcupid and both for about a year now. I'm not a creeper who replies with "Hey you like sex" or "Your boobs are so fucking hot" or "I can bench 400 lbs...with my dick!" I have a full fledged profile, I have mutli pictures of myself on there ( not my more "underground" ones, but I get no hits. I don't understand-
I'm funny, my sense of humor is a bit dry and dark and misleading but im not mean spirited.
I have confidence (Hell im writing an autobiography titled "Why Im so great')
Im in okay shape. I have some muscle, but im not a meathead like old school Ahhnold Schwarznegger
I have a car, place and a job. No I don't have God money but enough to take a girl out on a date and not just Mcdonalds.
Of course im not perfect but what the fuck man, I just have the worst luck in the world with women. God DOES exist and he hates me. Maybe if became an abusive asshole who's pasttime is watching nascar and putting marks on my girlfriend then I be popular.
Yeah my cousin showed up at a family get together with a black eye and a busted lip but she won't leave him because she's fucking stupid.
Always end on a high note but today Im feeling like shit.
All my old body (and emotional) injuries have been flaring up lately. My broken toe, broken ankle, broken nose, crushed fingers, sore neck, broken heart, im a magnet of pain.
I'm trapped in a creative draining tornado. I have all these concepts and ideas for my next short film and poetry collection, problem is Im chaning my mind every few minutes. I'm stressed out and it keeps me up all night. I don't want to rant but I feel like im just 'trapped"

KMFDM's new album WTF!? is out now. I being a true fan actually bought the CD, I usually steal from most bands but I bought the album and Capt K (lead singer) actually signs all the copies bought through the website. Here is my review.
If you love "new" KMFDM you will love this, it's like a solid mix of "Blitz" and "Tohuvabohu" if you're a fan of "old" KMFDM only, you'll enjoy the songs "Krank" "Spectre" and maybe "Lynchmob". If you don't know who KMFDM is then you're missing out dude, it's like having sex with a redhead and a brunette at the same time. Imagine Katy Perry and Christina Hendricks licking your ears, thats how KMFDM is to your ears. So on a scale of 1 to 10 I give the album a 9.
How many bands kick this much ass after 20 years? Not many. Metallica, Pearl Jam maybe?
Dating websites depress me. I have an account on Okcupid and both for about a year now. I'm not a creeper who replies with "Hey you like sex" or "Your boobs are so fucking hot" or "I can bench 400 lbs...with my dick!" I have a full fledged profile, I have mutli pictures of myself on there ( not my more "underground" ones, but I get no hits. I don't understand-
I'm funny, my sense of humor is a bit dry and dark and misleading but im not mean spirited.
I have confidence (Hell im writing an autobiography titled "Why Im so great')
Im in okay shape. I have some muscle, but im not a meathead like old school Ahhnold Schwarznegger
I have a car, place and a job. No I don't have God money but enough to take a girl out on a date and not just Mcdonalds.
Of course im not perfect but what the fuck man, I just have the worst luck in the world with women. God DOES exist and he hates me. Maybe if became an abusive asshole who's pasttime is watching nascar and putting marks on my girlfriend then I be popular.
Yeah my cousin showed up at a family get together with a black eye and a busted lip but she won't leave him because she's fucking stupid.
Always end on a high note but today Im feeling like shit.