A band that a lotta people seem to love and a lotta people seem to hate. Just this week Disturbed release their fifth studio album Asylum and its very dark, fast, heavy, angry, REALLY ANGRY and even disturbing again. I wanna rewind it back a bit though.
When Disturbed hit the scene in 2000 with the The Sickness it has a powerful wave of nu-metal.
The hit songs "Voices" "Stupify" and of course "Down with the sickness" grabbed listeners attention with its signature double bass drums, electronic tracks and singer David Draiman's growls, roars and booming angry voice. A powerful debut and it was the soundtrack of my freshman year in high school. 4 million records sold baby!
Two years later the Disturbed boys came back with the album "Believe"
in the post-911 world the band changed the tone from The Sickness, while the music was still heavy and well produced the album lacked the spark. Despite the great songs like "Prayer" "Remember" and "Liberate" the album to me overall was a bit lukewarm, it was fun but it wasn't dark and mean like the first cd was. It was apparent frontman Draiman was moving the band into a more alternative direction with more positive "get up and do something with your life" songs. Still it has sold over 2 million records!
In 2005 Disturbed roared back with a more aggressive, more progressive album "Ten Thousand Fists"
Fists seemed to fuse the brutality and darkness of The Sickness with the added melodic nature and complexity of Believe. This album attacked the issues of the world, the war in Iraq, increasing famine, politcal deception. Easily the most political album they have made. Where the album Believe told its listeners to stand up and believe, Ten Thousand Fists told people the world is turning into shit and you gotta do something about it, no one is going to save us, we gotta do it ourselves. This cd also currently has the most hit singles "Ten Thousand Fists" "Just Stop" "Guarded" "Stricken" and "Land of Confusion" Personally for me it was a step in the right direction.
3 years later "Indestructible" came out the doors with the darkest, most mature themes yet. Death, suicide, abusive relationships, war, betrayal. The music perfectly matched the lyrics with aggressive and complexity.
Disturbed had survived onslaught from negative critics and the public with the album selling over a 1 million copies which is impressive considering the number of people who download music for free (myself included). This album actually has some of my all time favorite rock songs, not from Disturbed but from rock music in general "Inside the fire" and "perfect insanity". This album to me feels like a one way trip into hell and at the end your further down than you could imagine.
Now in 2010 they have released Asylum. Keeping with the similar sound of The Sickness but emotionally complex like Indestructible.
Frontman David Draiman has had a few hard years and hes telling us on this cd. The songs tackle the subjects of global warming, genocide, holy wars, suicide, transformation (like man becoming a monster). The album is full of sorrow, anger, hope, triumph, struggle and mysticism.
The last song Innocene will leave you with a sick, angry feeling. Sick because it really shows how cruel and evil mankind can be to itself. Angry because were helpless to stop it.
Disturbed is one of the few rock bands these days who try to entertain us, make us question ourselves, make us think, make us feel and most importantly inspire us.
Of course if your not a fan of Disturbed then everything you have just read is irrevelant to you. No hard feelings.
Im seeing them this October if theres back stage passes Im grabbing them.
Thanks for reading as always and I hope you have a great day.
*apology for bad spelling, fragment sentences, wrote very quickly.
A band that a lotta people seem to love and a lotta people seem to hate. Just this week Disturbed release their fifth studio album Asylum and its very dark, fast, heavy, angry, REALLY ANGRY and even disturbing again. I wanna rewind it back a bit though.
When Disturbed hit the scene in 2000 with the The Sickness it has a powerful wave of nu-metal.

The hit songs "Voices" "Stupify" and of course "Down with the sickness" grabbed listeners attention with its signature double bass drums, electronic tracks and singer David Draiman's growls, roars and booming angry voice. A powerful debut and it was the soundtrack of my freshman year in high school. 4 million records sold baby!
Two years later the Disturbed boys came back with the album "Believe"

in the post-911 world the band changed the tone from The Sickness, while the music was still heavy and well produced the album lacked the spark. Despite the great songs like "Prayer" "Remember" and "Liberate" the album to me overall was a bit lukewarm, it was fun but it wasn't dark and mean like the first cd was. It was apparent frontman Draiman was moving the band into a more alternative direction with more positive "get up and do something with your life" songs. Still it has sold over 2 million records!
In 2005 Disturbed roared back with a more aggressive, more progressive album "Ten Thousand Fists"

Fists seemed to fuse the brutality and darkness of The Sickness with the added melodic nature and complexity of Believe. This album attacked the issues of the world, the war in Iraq, increasing famine, politcal deception. Easily the most political album they have made. Where the album Believe told its listeners to stand up and believe, Ten Thousand Fists told people the world is turning into shit and you gotta do something about it, no one is going to save us, we gotta do it ourselves. This cd also currently has the most hit singles "Ten Thousand Fists" "Just Stop" "Guarded" "Stricken" and "Land of Confusion" Personally for me it was a step in the right direction.
3 years later "Indestructible" came out the doors with the darkest, most mature themes yet. Death, suicide, abusive relationships, war, betrayal. The music perfectly matched the lyrics with aggressive and complexity.

Disturbed had survived onslaught from negative critics and the public with the album selling over a 1 million copies which is impressive considering the number of people who download music for free (myself included). This album actually has some of my all time favorite rock songs, not from Disturbed but from rock music in general "Inside the fire" and "perfect insanity". This album to me feels like a one way trip into hell and at the end your further down than you could imagine.
Now in 2010 they have released Asylum. Keeping with the similar sound of The Sickness but emotionally complex like Indestructible.

Frontman David Draiman has had a few hard years and hes telling us on this cd. The songs tackle the subjects of global warming, genocide, holy wars, suicide, transformation (like man becoming a monster). The album is full of sorrow, anger, hope, triumph, struggle and mysticism.
The last song Innocene will leave you with a sick, angry feeling. Sick because it really shows how cruel and evil mankind can be to itself. Angry because were helpless to stop it.

Disturbed is one of the few rock bands these days who try to entertain us, make us question ourselves, make us think, make us feel and most importantly inspire us.
Of course if your not a fan of Disturbed then everything you have just read is irrevelant to you. No hard feelings.

Im seeing them this October if theres back stage passes Im grabbing them.
Thanks for reading as always and I hope you have a great day.
*apology for bad spelling, fragment sentences, wrote very quickly.
I happen to love Disturbed. I enjoyed your blog immensely! You should consider a career as a music critic for a magazine or something, seriously!