(See previous blog for the more technical aspects of what's happening lately.)
I have her in LA now.
I was craving something dark and utilitarian, so The Plague, Albert Camus.
Not originally on The Book List, but I think it's worthy of being hand-written in.
I'm trying and trying. Hopefully sometime soon...
And The Rest
(Bits and pieces of a letter I wrote to an old friend.)
I'm in quite the opposite situation, I think. My world is getting smaller, and I love it. My work and my house and the couple of new friends I have are all in my little neighborhood, or close. I can walk to the grocery store or the bookstore or buffalo exchange. I never have to leave my tiny happy circle if I don't want to, but there are always new people filtering in and out on the busy street a block away from my house if I want to expand my horizons.
I still love adventure, but it seems more easily obtained here. For once in my life I don't have itchy feet for traveling all the time. I don't think that's a bad thing, nor is traveling a bad thing, I'm just changing my focus to the minute, in order to experience every day as a new adventure. I'm just on a map at a different scale, where before I had to drive one hundred miles to move an inch, now I only walk a block or two.
The richness of the world really stuns me, and getting to know a new city and all its secrets keeps me curious, keeps me entertained. I'd love to go to Oregon though, and Arizona, and everywhere else. But right now it's okay if I don't.
I have her in LA now.

I was craving something dark and utilitarian, so The Plague, Albert Camus.
Not originally on The Book List, but I think it's worthy of being hand-written in.
I'm trying and trying. Hopefully sometime soon...
And The Rest
(Bits and pieces of a letter I wrote to an old friend.)
I'm in quite the opposite situation, I think. My world is getting smaller, and I love it. My work and my house and the couple of new friends I have are all in my little neighborhood, or close. I can walk to the grocery store or the bookstore or buffalo exchange. I never have to leave my tiny happy circle if I don't want to, but there are always new people filtering in and out on the busy street a block away from my house if I want to expand my horizons.
I still love adventure, but it seems more easily obtained here. For once in my life I don't have itchy feet for traveling all the time. I don't think that's a bad thing, nor is traveling a bad thing, I'm just changing my focus to the minute, in order to experience every day as a new adventure. I'm just on a map at a different scale, where before I had to drive one hundred miles to move an inch, now I only walk a block or two.
The richness of the world really stuns me, and getting to know a new city and all its secrets keeps me curious, keeps me entertained. I'd love to go to Oregon though, and Arizona, and everywhere else. But right now it's okay if I don't.
I really enjoyed your comment on my set. I can't wait to see a new set from you! That sounds really exciting. 

im glad you've found somewhere you feel more settled... i long for that! xx