Check out this totally awesome shirt I made!!!

Super easy to do. All you need is a shirt, a pair of scissors, and a needle and thread - or safety pins if you're in a hurry. Takes like five minutes.
This was the second one I made - this picture isn't recent, I've still got like a buzz cut in the full version. The front has a little heart over the left boob that I made by cutting lines in the shape of a heart and sewing a square of red fabric on the inside.
Cool shit.
This design was originally called the Mullet because it's "business in the front, party in the back" but I've taken to calling it Skelly T - partially because of an episode of the tv show Ruby Gloom.....
Wait.... did I already post this?
I've got those like dimples in my back, you can really see them in this picture.
Maybe I should get some subdermal anchors in there.

Oh, this guy
is a luchador. I thought he was an alien. A luchador makes so much more sense.

Super easy to do. All you need is a shirt, a pair of scissors, and a needle and thread - or safety pins if you're in a hurry. Takes like five minutes.
This was the second one I made - this picture isn't recent, I've still got like a buzz cut in the full version. The front has a little heart over the left boob that I made by cutting lines in the shape of a heart and sewing a square of red fabric on the inside.
Cool shit.
This design was originally called the Mullet because it's "business in the front, party in the back" but I've taken to calling it Skelly T - partially because of an episode of the tv show Ruby Gloom.....
Wait.... did I already post this?
I've got those like dimples in my back, you can really see them in this picture.
Maybe I should get some subdermal anchors in there.

Oh, this guy

Back dimples = Super sexy +10000000000