Don't you just fucking hate it when you've spend ages curling/straightening your hair, putting on makeup, doing your nails, and changing your clothes repeatedly, and then that shithead excuse for a best friend makes you fucking WAIT?!
Seriously!!! What the fuck?!
I purposely spent all afternoon doing this shit so your dumb ass wouldn't have to wait.
Even if we're just chillin at your house, you take for fucking ever to get ready.
You always take way longer than I do.
I don't get it.
You're a dude, for fucksake!!!
What could possibly require so much time?!
In about five minutes, Immo kick your ass.
I would hate you if I didn't love you so much.
Seriously!!! What the fuck?!
I purposely spent all afternoon doing this shit so your dumb ass wouldn't have to wait.
Even if we're just chillin at your house, you take for fucking ever to get ready.
You always take way longer than I do.
I don't get it.
You're a dude, for fucksake!!!
What could possibly require so much time?!
In about five minutes, Immo kick your ass.
I would hate you if I didn't love you so much.
WTF is right! Real men wouldn't keep a woman waiting...ever. You'll have no problem finding someone who treats you better. good luck.

I'm really sorry, I just care about my clothes and make up when I go out. Some people have told me that I am worse than Dolly Parton. Again....I am really sorry.