Well guess what, Ricky, you're right.
The movie was called "Speak" and it was better than I thought it was going to be but Kristin Stewart still sucked ass. Oh my god is she terrible. But I love that part in the first Twilight movie near the end when everyone's fighting and she's laying on the floor bleeding/convulsing and making these weird orgasm noises. It's so terrible!!! That is the worst scene ever!!! And I love it because it makes me so angry. And turned on? I don't know what's going on there.
Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to work Tumblr.
So, y'know, throw me a frickin' bone here guys.

The movie was called "Speak" and it was better than I thought it was going to be but Kristin Stewart still sucked ass. Oh my god is she terrible. But I love that part in the first Twilight movie near the end when everyone's fighting and she's laying on the floor bleeding/convulsing and making these weird orgasm noises. It's so terrible!!! That is the worst scene ever!!! And I love it because it makes me so angry. And turned on? I don't know what's going on there.
Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to work Tumblr.
So, y'know, throw me a frickin' bone here guys.

I don't know what this 'Tumbir' is...but those pictures were funny. I liked the beer one especially. What I don't like is this not being able to use my right thumb...one hand can type fine but the other one feels like I'm hen pecking...boo.
I think she is probably the WORST actress ever. How does she even get work? She really isn't even attractive.