Hii SGland i saw This Q&A loved It
1.First app you check when you wake up morning?
2.First broken bone?
Kkk the only bone i broke was my finger as child
3.First foreign country you ever visited?
I never leave Brazil but i want tô meet other countries
4.First time i ever got into trouble at School?
Was 8 years old had a Lot of difficulty in learning tô read só i suffered bullying and because i was Black i was Very excluded at School
5.My First BF/GF?
Went with a neighbor i was 11 years old
6.My First car?
I never had a car
7.My First celebrity crush ?
Nick Minaj for sure my passion hás always been with the "musical moment 4 life "
8.My First crush ?
Was 16 years old was my First boyfriend and my big disappointment with Men
9.My First ever Cell phone ?
It was a Very old Samsung had no time touch at the time
10.My First ever Kiss?
My First Kiss was 12 years old it was with my neighbor It was Very bad kkkk i bit his tongue
11.My First faer?
Im Very afraid of a rat
12. My First heartbreak my boyfriend having become gay
13.my First Instagram post ?
2016 Photo @evilla
14.my First job?
Young telemarketing apprentice
15. My First language?
Brazilian Portuguese
16.my First pet ?
Minnie was a little BIRD
17.My First piercing and when did i get It?
My First piercing was 13 years old in the language
18.my First sexual experience ?
With my current boyfriend i was 16
19.my First tattoo?
Cleópatra of Egypt
20. The First person i talked tô today ?
My mother
21. The First person you text when someting exercinting?
My BFF @evilla❤️❤️
@jacqueline @missy @rambo @evilla