-taking a break-
At last the first sunrays are showing themselves. I don't actually go into the sun because my Belgian skin doesn't agree with it that much, but I do enjoy the sight of all those brigth colours outside. And so I got inspired to put some colour in my hair again ^_^.
Altough I'm still working hard for the final jury, I'm taking...
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At last the first sunrays are showing themselves. I don't actually go into the sun because my Belgian skin doesn't agree with it that much, but I do enjoy the sight of all those brigth colours outside. And so I got inspired to put some colour in my hair again ^_^.
Altough I'm still working hard for the final jury, I'm taking...
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Merci, pour ton commentaire.

It's so diicult ti find in this city of love....

-Pondering the future-
I finished my thesis, all rejoice! Tomorrow I'll see my professor about it, fingers crossed it doesn't need too much change. I dedicated a part of it to the art of tattooing, what was very interesting to write about.
I even have the strong desire now to learn it myself. It is a wonderful amalgamation of true craftsmanship and art, but ofcourse...
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I finished my thesis, all rejoice! Tomorrow I'll see my professor about it, fingers crossed it doesn't need too much change. I dedicated a part of it to the art of tattooing, what was very interesting to write about.
I even have the strong desire now to learn it myself. It is a wonderful amalgamation of true craftsmanship and art, but ofcourse...
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i love that shot!
great body, great spirit!
i love that shot!
great body, great spirit!
Congrats on the thesis! And best of luck finishing the rest. I hope all goes well!
-Almost back from the dead.-
My apologies to all my buddies on here, I had to disappear for a while due to some problems. I am thinking about making a new set soon though, but first I want to get my new ink finished, which still can take a month or two ^_^
I can't wait to show it, it's quite a huge piece, going...
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My apologies to all my buddies on here, I had to disappear for a while due to some problems. I am thinking about making a new set soon though, but first I want to get my new ink finished, which still can take a month or two ^_^
I can't wait to show it, it's quite a huge piece, going...
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Awesome to have you back Victoria! *hugs* Hope all the "trouble" was cleared up OK.
Looking forward to seeing you new set!
Any chance you will be posting the old one again? It was absolutely brilliant.
Looking forward to seeing you new set!

Superbe tofs.
-The tattoo, the set, the good news-
I had some great news. My work will be shown in the Guislain museum in Ghent, my favorite museum ^_^.
But more amazing is that the work will be in the catalogue too. That is quite a tough selection!
Also don't forget, today my set goes up. I wonder how it will be received. But I'm very happy...
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I had some great news. My work will be shown in the Guislain museum in Ghent, my favorite museum ^_^.
But more amazing is that the work will be in the catalogue too. That is quite a tough selection!
Also don't forget, today my set goes up. I wonder how it will be received. But I'm very happy...
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Ooh cant wait to see the tat when its coloured 

?? Why the black out? I hope you're not leaving us?? 

-En avant!-
Today came the long awaited exam results, and I passed! Now I am only one year away from having my bachelor degree in illustration :3. Still wondering if I should go for my master degree after that, but we'll see. In the end, in the arts, it's about quality, not what is on paper. An extra year experience in the field is just...
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Today came the long awaited exam results, and I passed! Now I am only one year away from having my bachelor degree in illustration :3. Still wondering if I should go for my master degree after that, but we'll see. In the end, in the arts, it's about quality, not what is on paper. An extra year experience in the field is just...
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This is the story of my life...I can't wait for just a few more years...then I can settle down and hopefully find someone to spend my life with. How are things with you?
That sounds kinda cool and creepy at the same time...staying in the mansion
I should be working on my project right now, but I don't feel like drawing this instant. So first, I'll update my blog, and then I'll get to it :3
I finished the selection for my new set, so fingers crossed it get's accepted. I attached some of the pictures that didn't get picked, but were still very nice. They just didn't fit in...
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I should be working on my project right now, but I don't feel like drawing this instant. So first, I'll update my blog, and then I'll get to it :3
I finished the selection for my new set, so fingers crossed it get's accepted. I attached some of the pictures that didn't get picked, but were still very nice. They just didn't fit in...
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Thanks! And WOW I can't wait to see your new set! The location looks awesome, and you look amazing!
I emailed Rambo and she said the set didn't meet the minimum photographic requirements. You're right about the lighting, I think that was definitely one of the issues. It was one of the reasons why I did feel the need for photoshop, because the lighting was kind of inconsistent. We're hopefully going to find a good outdoor location for the next set, and I think the natural lighting will definitely be an improvement.

For your pleasure, some more pictures of me and my aweseme cat hat :3
I will send in my next set soon, I do hope it gets accepted because it's kinda different. But in my opinion, different is good!
I've got a new goal in life: to learn how to tatoo. I'm training myself again in realism and some typical tatoo style stuff, which...
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For your pleasure, some more pictures of me and my aweseme cat hat :3
I will send in my next set soon, I do hope it gets accepted because it's kinda different. But in my opinion, different is good!
I've got a new goal in life: to learn how to tatoo. I'm training myself again in realism and some typical tatoo style stuff, which...
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Hahaaaa... cool cool!
Oranges are ok, don't like piggyskin 
Would be some nice art too... tattoo oranges and see 'em wither / rot?
Someone I know was selling his first tattooset a while ago, but I suppose it's already sold... expensive shit indeed

Would be some nice art too... tattoo oranges and see 'em wither / rot?

Someone I know was selling his first tattooset a while ago, but I suppose it's already sold... expensive shit indeed

That is a very awesome cat hat. 

-Fired up-
A new goal is reached from the bucket list, I learned to firebreathe! I did a couple of shoots and upcoming days I'll post some results here for you ^_^.
Today is a beautiful sunlit sunday, and I feel inspired to draw. The end of the schoolyear is drawing nearer and new levels have to be reached before the jury, which is already...
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A new goal is reached from the bucket list, I learned to firebreathe! I did a couple of shoots and upcoming days I'll post some results here for you ^_^.
Today is a beautiful sunlit sunday, and I feel inspired to draw. The end of the schoolyear is drawing nearer and new levels have to be reached before the jury, which is already...
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A fire-concept for a set would be cool too!
Nice pics! Drawing weather it was over here... tricky for the paper to be blown away by the wind tho'
Enjoy the sundaynight!

Nice pics! Drawing weather it was over here... tricky for the paper to be blown away by the wind tho'

Enjoy the sundaynight!
Do I hear impatience? 
Firejuggling and -spitting always gives me a glimpse of the apcalypse

Firejuggling and -spitting always gives me a glimpse of the apcalypse

-Oh dear, it has been too long-
I've been very busy as always, but that should never be an excuse to not post here
In between the daily hours of drawing or anything to do with my creative work, I got some new piercings. I celebrated my 22nd birthday and my boyfriend wanted to buy me some brand new body mods. But I only was...
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I've been very busy as always, but that should never be an excuse to not post here

In between the daily hours of drawing or anything to do with my creative work, I got some new piercings. I celebrated my 22nd birthday and my boyfriend wanted to buy me some brand new body mods. But I only was...
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I'm doing well, about to head out to Ruedesheim...go sight-seeing and bar hopping/clubbin' there tonight. I hope you have a good weekend...I'll be off-line for the weekend!
I miss an "" on the "o"

-Winter is losing its grip-
What a beautiful morning here at the north sea area! Temperatures are not freezing and the sun is showing herself for the first time this year. I went inline skating this morning, which was absolutely awesome in this weather. I can recomend this by the way, your ass and thighs will be gratefull :p I am hooked on the sports...
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What a beautiful morning here at the north sea area! Temperatures are not freezing and the sun is showing herself for the first time this year. I went inline skating this morning, which was absolutely awesome in this weather. I can recomend this by the way, your ass and thighs will be gratefull :p I am hooked on the sports...
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About time winter 'll turn into spring over here! Damn! I'm fed up with the cold and moist! Just like a reptile, I could use some sun and warmth!
Good news about the project! Thumbs up!
Ahhhh... you smell it too? The smell of... weekend!
Have a blast!

Good news about the project! Thumbs up!

Ahhhh... you smell it too? The smell of... weekend!
Have a blast!


Well, finally we got our results and I passed the first semester. Feeling great about that and I'm fired up to improve my drawing during the second part of the schoolyear. Right now I am working on yet another commission, designing a logo, which is always fun and challenging.
So tell me what you lovely bunch is up to these days.
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Well, finally we got our results and I passed the first semester. Feeling great about that and I'm fired up to improve my drawing during the second part of the schoolyear. Right now I am working on yet another commission, designing a logo, which is always fun and challenging.
So tell me what you lovely bunch is up to these days.
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Yeah, hope I will enjoy ma tats very much 
(Hahah I like the pic!)

(Hahah I like the pic!)
you photo is so Cool !