You forgot to mention Caz, Nadine, and Cherry in the tea party set x 4 and yes the Stina kanji photoset is great shes gorgeous.
Yeah I had an account with cafepress a while back only ended up selling stuff to myself. I wasn't too sure if I wanted to sell prints on there, personally Id like to do signed and numbered pieces of art. But well see what happens I might sell the digital/oils as an original pieces and use cafepress to sell smaller unsigned prints. But if I went though cafepress again advertising would have to be very important, I hope you have some good ideas for that.
Actually I havent used charcoal in about five years so my skills with that media are probably zilch I wish I had continued with it after university. Thanks for the complement on the work that I did.
I will keep you updated on my progress with the mixed media work, it may take me some time I'm somehow going to have to find darker SG type models for my art and that's not going to be an easy task in this stink hole city full of normal to hic type girls.
its a good game, obove average in all respects, exvept i feel like im thirteen again because my parents are arguing, more like my ancestors, or the remains of my family after my dad decided to live a life of a millionare
what happened was that my grandmother received a packadge from her friend in... Read More
Hey, thanks for the comments on my journal!
Youve got some pretty amazing stuff going on yourself, Im impressed!
Hmm, what did you mean by how "finished" my work looks?
Sorry, I just do art strictly as a hobbie, so Im not down with the lingo...
Hey VICTORIAN how's it going? Thanks for the complement on my art the online gallery sounds very interesting. I just havent had the time or money to create any new work in quite a while now. I am still very interested in having my art displayed but it may be a few months till I have something to sell. I would like to create some mixed media pieces half digital that I would print on canvas then finish the other half with oils to make it an original.
Yeah Im not a fan of that vector tracing crap either but I actually have another method then simply tracing. Tracing with Illustrator takes forever for some people it takes almost 8 hours I find it much more time efficient to use a photo as a reference, scan the pencil drawing and convert it into a EPS with streamline. Problem is you cant create layers that way, that's why all my vectors are plain black and white lines because a lot of the objects are open ended colouring one thing will effect something else.
Im not entirely sure what the attraction to the Japanese culture is for artists, for me I find that kanji characters are much more of an art form then English text because were constantly exposed to it as advertising Im sure its probably the exact opposite in Japan.
I havent seen the Last Samurai yet once I start getting paychecks from my job and pay back some of my debts it will be the first thing I do.
Polymodeling does sound cool I dont know how to use Max, Maya or Lightwave though. I did learn Raydream at the crappy school I went to. The program was obsolete and discontinued before I even finished the final project, I think they may even be still teaching it and I took that coarse 4 years ago.
Wow I really like the piece inspired by Gia in your pics folder.
That does really suck if anyone made my Baba cry, crap would I be pissed. I agree some people take their greed for money way to far. I was raised to believe that success is measured by the thickness of your wallet. Now I cant help but feel like a disappointment to my parents, but I would never let money control my life Id rather just slide by doing something that I love then have things I dont need doing something I hate.
Going from Pittsburgh PA to Keuka Lake, to Rochester NY
Yesterday, in a large green automobile, she was sooo cute, and anxious, smoked like a dozen, she thought the parking police were the police out to halt our necking.
people laugh at prophets now adays and make honor and dignity a thing of the past
i can say that some of those people belong to my family
these are some of the things that i realized are eternally ok to do, laws of nature twisted by those in power
its ok to love anyone you want
its ok to not be friends... Read More
hey - i accepted you as a friend and then i accidentally lost you, so i'm going to send you a request myself. sometimes my computer illiteracy astounds me.
now finally after 22 years of being a loser i can teach myself how to read sheet music, notation, and understand music terms.
or in german
Lernen Sie, wie man Notenshrift liest, und was die vershieden musikalishen Fachausdruke bedeuten. Verandern Sie das Tempo und die Harmonie eines Liedes, um zu... Read More
My father's fifty four, beautiful and strong.
He forged,
four decades of experiance into me,
three into my mother,
two into my sister,
one onto my grandmother.
He worked all his life.
He made us fierce and indifferent.
to overcome the greed of this society,
to know what we all want in life,
to live honorably,
to work hard in spite of all.
He called... Read More
Leninol: i just went to church called Gamecube
Leninol: my sister got abducted and then i had to get the Hero Sword and a green hat with tights to get her back from this island where these birds and evil pigs kept her hostage
Leninol: i kinda gave up after half an hour
Leninol: and i think she is carrion by now
Leninol: but you... Read More
who the fuck is circadiate? it's hysterical how you're better friends with all my boyfriend's friends than i am. and you've known him for like 2 weeks and i've been fucking him for over a year.
today i found an awesome web designer, who will remain nameless for the moment to built my world dominating studio, gallery, and instutute that im working on, kind of like ann ryand instututes only without a penis and a whole lot of righteousness
im off to buy some figure skates, the russian german fall on my ass and break my right... Read More
friend request most vigorously and respectefully approved. one cannot but admire such deliberate thoughtfulness about the human situation. rare is one found with such grand conviction who isn't ruled emotionally by it and thus incapable of debating intelligently.
i am soo hurt right now
someone who i really really wanted to meet is dodging me after i drove five hours with the false belief that she actually wanted to meet me
i am here now
and she is dodging me because she thinks its not chiik to meet people in real life that you meet on the internet
thanks hun, sometimes i forget that most people actually have things that they are afraid of, i am 6 feet and 220 so i could totally undertand how someone could like totally be
intimidated by me rrrwarrrrr!!! I am arte soo creepy
i've been thinkin, as that is my most natural state, crazy stuff comes to me when i take showers or travel...... i figure stuff out in my life
its it wrong how people consider peoples internet profiles and photos as being not up to par to drunk offf their asss people in a smokey bar? I think that all of this technology is creating a major shift in the way people find mates and significant others in their life.
Ahh, nothing like having friends in whose house you can walk around with no pants on. I think that is true evidence of being at home.
They are like "make yourself at home"
*Ziiiiiiip! And im like "im waay ahead of you fellas"
The apartment search in Pittsburgh begins today with no further flabergasting and lillygagging, although i plan to choke bitches with penny and... Read More
Yeah I had an account with cafepress a while back only ended up selling stuff to myself. I wasn't too sure if I wanted to sell prints on there, personally Id like to do signed and numbered pieces of art. But well see what happens I might sell the digital/oils as an original pieces and use cafepress to sell smaller unsigned prints. But if I went though cafepress again advertising would have to be very important, I hope you have some good ideas for that.
Actually I havent used charcoal in about five years so my skills with that media are probably zilch I wish I had continued with it after university. Thanks for the complement on the work that I did.
I will keep you updated on my progress with the mixed media work, it may take me some time I'm somehow going to have to find darker SG type models for my art and that's not going to be an easy task in this stink hole city full of normal to hic type girls.