So, myself just as most other girls in the world have insecurities. We struggle to call ourselves pretty. We don't talk about it, because we feel like we are the only person in the world who feels like that. Well, I'm here to say no. You are not alone. Everyone has something they are insecure about. With most of us women we see all these insanely beautiful women and strive to be like them. We at the same time silently hating them all the while. Don't! You are unique in your own way. We need then build each other up. Don't tear someone else down just the boost your ego! It's not a real fix. Embrace the differences you have because they make you, you. Be you our own person, because no one else can do it for you. Know inside you are beautiful. You may be different, but everyone is beautiful in their own way. Always strive to better yourself and believe you can do anything! Thinking you have the ability to do anything you set your mind to is half the battle. Take what life throws at you. If it hands you lemons make some lemonade.
Hi my name is Victoria and I am insecure about my weight. I don't let it hold me back, I push past it and try to do better pictures and eat better! I am a fighter and I refuse to quit or back down!