Rainy day! It's such a shame I'm working, it's awesome to just sit at home and relax on a rainy day. Either way, tonight at work is going to be complete hell, someone already called in sick and she's being replaced by our new girl Cindy. She's a really sweet girl, but not being able to do cash or take apart any of the machines, it's still almost as if I'm working alone. But then again, why am I complaining? I do work at a stupid grocery store and haven't gotten another job. On a higher note, last week I reached my 1200 hour mark which I'm pretty sure means that I am subject for a raise. I'll have to ask our union steward to be positive although shes been giving me the run around lately. Besides, I deserve a raise. I work hard and have worked hard for the past year and a half, its not fair that I'm getting paid the same wage as all the new kids that just got hired last week. We'll see how everything plays our tonight. Alright, well I need to go change and get ready for a lousy work night... atleast its sunday, and a rainy sunday at that. The chances of our department being busy is slim.
Alright, change time.
Alright, change time.
but you get to work with such a hott boy!