Wow, what a busy past two days.
Drewpy and I went apartment hunting and it went fairly well. We found some nice places and have two more appointments on Tuesday to look out. I think he'll be making a final decision by that point.
We now have a wedding to go to, an old friend of his, from high i think. So lucky me, that definitely calls for a brand new dress and set of high heels. I better watch my meals now; I can't be all giggly for a wedding! Not much of a first impression I'll be making, haha.
Tomorrow at work I get to play boss, my manager's been sick. That women will fight the devil before she misses a day of work, so I really hope she's alright... anyways, that's pretty crappy since I'll need to babysit two of our new staff and one other girl named Emily. She's a total brat, and refuses to talk or socialize with anyone at work, she just decided one day to start hating everyone. After she got a boyfriend, she called up all of her friends and told them she didn't want to be their friend anymore. Soooo, shes not a fun person to work with. Regardless, I am demanding a raise! For working in a union, Fart Mart really blows. The union hardly does shit to protect the part time rights; I always have to fight with the managers to be treated properly. But we will be getting a brand new store manager in who is supposed to be a really nice guy. I'm hoping that will change a lot of things because almost everyone in the store has gotten fed up with being treated like shit by our current managers, and these are people who have worked with the company for well over 20 years.
Anyways, I'm just ranting now. But I did get my medication for my tummy, so I hope I'm alright. I have been eating a little more appropriate just the past two days and I'm already feeling better, I think part of it is stress anyways. I always stress out way too easily.
And I almost forgot! It's mine and Drew's 6 month anniversary today! How cute is that? I think it's super cute. We both worked opposite hours (me 830am-5pm, him 130pm-10pm) and both work early tomorrow morning so we didn't get a chance to celebrate. That's alright, we're going out for dinner and all that jazz tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to it
Well shit, I better go, I've written a damn near novel.
On a closing note, I bought a brand new mirror yesterday. It's a big pink heart that lights up, haha, its awesome.
Drewpy and I went apartment hunting and it went fairly well. We found some nice places and have two more appointments on Tuesday to look out. I think he'll be making a final decision by that point.
We now have a wedding to go to, an old friend of his, from high i think. So lucky me, that definitely calls for a brand new dress and set of high heels. I better watch my meals now; I can't be all giggly for a wedding! Not much of a first impression I'll be making, haha.
Tomorrow at work I get to play boss, my manager's been sick. That women will fight the devil before she misses a day of work, so I really hope she's alright... anyways, that's pretty crappy since I'll need to babysit two of our new staff and one other girl named Emily. She's a total brat, and refuses to talk or socialize with anyone at work, she just decided one day to start hating everyone. After she got a boyfriend, she called up all of her friends and told them she didn't want to be their friend anymore. Soooo, shes not a fun person to work with. Regardless, I am demanding a raise! For working in a union, Fart Mart really blows. The union hardly does shit to protect the part time rights; I always have to fight with the managers to be treated properly. But we will be getting a brand new store manager in who is supposed to be a really nice guy. I'm hoping that will change a lot of things because almost everyone in the store has gotten fed up with being treated like shit by our current managers, and these are people who have worked with the company for well over 20 years.
Anyways, I'm just ranting now. But I did get my medication for my tummy, so I hope I'm alright. I have been eating a little more appropriate just the past two days and I'm already feeling better, I think part of it is stress anyways. I always stress out way too easily.
And I almost forgot! It's mine and Drew's 6 month anniversary today! How cute is that? I think it's super cute. We both worked opposite hours (me 830am-5pm, him 130pm-10pm) and both work early tomorrow morning so we didn't get a chance to celebrate. That's alright, we're going out for dinner and all that jazz tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to it
Well shit, I better go, I've written a damn near novel.
On a closing note, I bought a brand new mirror yesterday. It's a big pink heart that lights up, haha, its awesome.