Well it is still raining here in California. It is actually prety nice. My hometown in Arizona was way up in the mountains and we had a lot of rain and snow. I can't ever remember being in weather above 80 F untill I was 7.
I hope I don't have a lot of product to bring into the store tonight when I go into work. I had a lot last night but the rain had stopped long enough that I did not get rained on. I did loose a unit of lumber though. I was putting a unit of 2x6" 16' lumber in a rack and it started teetering on the forks of this special forklift I was driving and all of a sudden one of the forks slid in and this unit fell straight down. 3,000+ pounds, funny thing was I sat there and watched it happen with the most comical look on my face. It took so long to fall once I realized that I could not stop it that I took my hands of the controls and just went Fucking Shit.
I hope I start working a new job withone of my old employers. It would be a lot more money and I would not have to deal with the stupid shit that they try to pull. Last week my manager tryed to write me up for the previous months tardies, of which there were only like two that mattered. But one said that I was 2 hours 21 minutes late when I asked what the deal was with that my manager said there was no mispunch and showed me the book. Here it is in the book cleared by another manager and immediatly I knew what it was. I just looked at her and said "that was on OCT 6th well the night before at 8pm I found my roomates dead body", stupid woman she has no idea what she is doing, daddy got her the position.
I hope I don't have a lot of product to bring into the store tonight when I go into work. I had a lot last night but the rain had stopped long enough that I did not get rained on. I did loose a unit of lumber though. I was putting a unit of 2x6" 16' lumber in a rack and it started teetering on the forks of this special forklift I was driving and all of a sudden one of the forks slid in and this unit fell straight down. 3,000+ pounds, funny thing was I sat there and watched it happen with the most comical look on my face. It took so long to fall once I realized that I could not stop it that I took my hands of the controls and just went Fucking Shit.
I hope I start working a new job withone of my old employers. It would be a lot more money and I would not have to deal with the stupid shit that they try to pull. Last week my manager tryed to write me up for the previous months tardies, of which there were only like two that mattered. But one said that I was 2 hours 21 minutes late when I asked what the deal was with that my manager said there was no mispunch and showed me the book. Here it is in the book cleared by another manager and immediatly I knew what it was. I just looked at her and said "that was on OCT 6th well the night before at 8pm I found my roomates dead body", stupid woman she has no idea what she is doing, daddy got her the position.