i am going to new jersey
next weekend
feb 25th - 28th or so
stopping anywhere
along the way
and back
so if you want to see me
drop me a line
let me know
other than that
this week has been
a rollercoaster
"fortunately i'm adhering
to a pretty strict drug regimen
to keep my mind limber"
what are you all up to?
and what would you do
if faced with almost certain death
or having to marry paris hilton?
i choose the almost-death
i am going to new jersey
next weekend
feb 25th - 28th or so
stopping anywhere
along the way
and back
so if you want to see me
drop me a line
let me know
other than that
this week has been
a rollercoaster
"fortunately i'm adhering
to a pretty strict drug regimen
to keep my mind limber"

what are you all up to?
and what would you do
if faced with almost certain death
or having to marry paris hilton?
i choose the almost-death
I would take death. Not even an ALMOST certain death. I would rather die than have to listen to her talk on a regular basis.
dooooood. where have you been? oh my god, you're not dead are you?