get ready for big roadtrip update
'cept for pics
'cuz i'm too lazy to upload them right now
(need to resize first)
so i left from iowa city around noon on friday
i made it to Carter Caves by 11 eastern
i camped there to awaken to a beautiful state park
really liked the caves
not to mention the hills and turning leaves
(pics to come)
then i drove on to west virginia
passing an overturned semi minutes after it happened
it was carrying chickens
luckily they were not strewn willy-nilly across the roadway
people going westbound on I-64 must have been very upset/late on saturday
i stopped in radford, va, to see Murdokk
but she had an emergency come up
so i didn't get to see her
i went on to Low Water Bridge Campground
it's right on the shenandoah
across a couple of kinda scary little bridges though
in the morning
i drove on to pa
and met up with ersatzpnk in millersville
happenin' town that millersville
but we had fun just talking and haning around for a bit
then on to jersey
where i saw one of my good friends and his wife
spent the night with them in princeton
princeton was really cool
if you ever are there
you should all go to both heavenly hoagies and thomas sweets
both on nassau street
very good sandwiches and ice cream
respectively of course
late on monday
i left jersey bound for ohio
and promptly became lost on the lovely philladelphia highway system
suck clear signage
so after two $3 tolls
i was stuck in horriffic traffic on 76
and i'm from chi-town originally
so when i say horriffic
it really is
i got out of philly eventually
and made cleveland by 2 am
slept for a couple hours at a service area
left my heat on too high while i was dozing
and woke up in a friggin' shvitz
met another good friend in cleveland for breakfast
she is a vet interning at the cleveland zoo
she showed me pics of her operating on a huge tiger
"if that thing woke up, it would have killed everyone in the room!"
a little too dangerous for me
there were also plenty of humorous animal stories
like when she got drenched in piss from a baby alligator
someone had just dropped off their pet alligator at the zoo
after it ate their cat (really)
then it was back in the car for another 9 hours to get back home
*so* much damned construction in oh, in, and il
2500 miles total in 5 days
but it was totally woth it
my next roadtrip will either be to california or the carolinas
i'll probably do both a couple months apart
that's all, folks!
get ready for big roadtrip update
'cept for pics
'cuz i'm too lazy to upload them right now
(need to resize first)
so i left from iowa city around noon on friday
i made it to Carter Caves by 11 eastern
i camped there to awaken to a beautiful state park
really liked the caves
not to mention the hills and turning leaves
(pics to come)
then i drove on to west virginia
passing an overturned semi minutes after it happened
it was carrying chickens
luckily they were not strewn willy-nilly across the roadway
people going westbound on I-64 must have been very upset/late on saturday
i stopped in radford, va, to see Murdokk
but she had an emergency come up
so i didn't get to see her
i went on to Low Water Bridge Campground
it's right on the shenandoah
across a couple of kinda scary little bridges though
in the morning
i drove on to pa
and met up with ersatzpnk in millersville
happenin' town that millersville
but we had fun just talking and haning around for a bit
then on to jersey
where i saw one of my good friends and his wife
spent the night with them in princeton
princeton was really cool
if you ever are there
you should all go to both heavenly hoagies and thomas sweets
both on nassau street
very good sandwiches and ice cream
respectively of course
late on monday
i left jersey bound for ohio
and promptly became lost on the lovely philladelphia highway system
suck clear signage
so after two $3 tolls
i was stuck in horriffic traffic on 76
and i'm from chi-town originally
so when i say horriffic
it really is
i got out of philly eventually
and made cleveland by 2 am
slept for a couple hours at a service area
left my heat on too high while i was dozing
and woke up in a friggin' shvitz
met another good friend in cleveland for breakfast
she is a vet interning at the cleveland zoo
she showed me pics of her operating on a huge tiger
"if that thing woke up, it would have killed everyone in the room!"
a little too dangerous for me
there were also plenty of humorous animal stories
like when she got drenched in piss from a baby alligator
someone had just dropped off their pet alligator at the zoo
after it ate their cat (really)
then it was back in the car for another 9 hours to get back home
*so* much damned construction in oh, in, and il
2500 miles total in 5 days
but it was totally woth it
my next roadtrip will either be to california or the carolinas
i'll probably do both a couple months apart
that's all, folks!
It is too bad I live in OR sometimes. All the cute nice guys seem to live so far away
I am a hello kitty slut so I would probably use anything if it had hello kitty on it. I used to have a big pink hello kitty comforter but my boyfriend at the time refused to sleep under it so I had to leave it with my parents
There's cute guys where I live, but most of them are asshats and unfriendly. Most of the nice and cute people I meet are far away. But yes, I was implying you are cute.