just the usually
work on something every day
dive bar hoping on weekends
sometimes a show
trying to cook my own food more
it's cheaper _and_ better
that's just win-win
chicago better win
20 damn years
i just noticed/realized that there are a crapload of damaged sailboats up for auction in the gulf
very understandable
just never thought about it before
so now i... Read More
i've just started reading the responses
should be interesting
you know
i honestly can't remember the last time
when i didn't feel like there were roughly 3,684 things i needed to do
that doesn't mean i don't relax sometimes
i just always feel like i haven't earned it
i spent a year trying to escape... Read More
the end of another year
which always brings contemplation
it shouldn't really
it is just a relatively arbitrary marking of time
which is in itself arbitrary
but it's no accident when the holidays are
right after the solstice
coming out of the dark
a time for renewal
in many cultures
and so we change socially
only usually to renig
and once you are... Read More
Christmas at my place was more funny than scary. Trust me.
I do like cold weather, I spent 17 years in Alaska. Cold weather gives me a reason to cuddle up with a good book and a blanket.
The bookstore thing requires me to move back to Alaska. I've been gone 10 years and I'm just not sure that's the direction I want to go in especially when I have such an amazing job right night with so many opportunities.
FYI, I find the best way of removing belongings is to move. Everything seems to find its way to the trash...
Because I started a Burroughs novel over the summer and I couldn't follow it at ALL. It was completley random madness. It was called The Soft Machine, I think.
Sorry for the late response. CA is good; almost Christmas and no freezing, snowy weather to deal with . I'm visiting my family in New Hampshire right now, so I'm getting a little taste of winter to make me appreciate moving even more! How's IA?
code code code
unix unix unix
linux linux linux
perl perl perl
php php php
i've been thinking
a bit too much
and i need
to learn ajaxx
that shouldn't be bad
addicted to sufjan stevens
great stuff
(thanks munga)