Be prepared, this might be the longest blog ever!!
I have so many things to talk about so I'll try and keep this as organized as possible.
First off, I'm all freaked out, again. My boyfriend went to a Halloween party at his dad's neighbor's house tonight and is spending the night there so that they can wake up super early and go RTVing. I opted out for homework reasons, which I have yet to start. Sigh I'll get to that in a minute. I'm all stressed out because I hate sleeping alone. My biggest fear is that someone will break in at night, or they'll already be waiting for me, and proceed to kill me. I honestly think I'm paranoid.
I was at my apartment up until about 20 minutes ago laying on my hardwood floors, procrastinating, half sleeping, and semi watching TV. I would have/planned on going to my boyfriend's (with comfy furniture) a lot sooner but I was too afraid to leave my apartment. My reasoning for this is that my apartment is a studio so if someone is in there I'll know. Ron's is much larger and upon entering requires a thorough search.
Long story short, I'm all sketched out and scared to go to sleep. Oh, and you'll be pleased to know that I'm also all itchy again too. As I got in my car to leave for Ron's I noticed something hanging out of the corner of my eye by my driver's window. It was a spider. I immediately jumped out, grabbed a bar rag from the back floor of my car and tried to wipe it away only I don't know where it went.
Speaking of my car I should mention that I have the best boyfriend ever. (I'm about to write a rather long story that eventually concerns my boyfriend and my car). About two weeks ago I started getting really sick. I woke up in the middle of the night because it felt like something had lodged itself in my throat. Almost like I had swallowed a vitamin and it got caught. The next few days it turned into me not being able to eat or drink anything without feeling like I had heartburn in my throat. It eventually gave me crazy headaches and earaches. I (thought I) did the smart thing and went to a walk-in clinic (it was Saturday) where they diagnosed me with heartburn which was weird because I've never had it before, told me to buy $40 worth of otc heartburn crap, and sent me on my way. I didn't get better. They called the next day to see how I was doing and then advised me to go to the ER. I blew it off and decided to go to work instead where I was soon sent home because I tried to eat (I hadn't been able to eat for two days because of the pain) and burst into tears. At that point I decided that it would be wise to go to the ER. I love smart doctors! They found out I had an infection in my throat that had spread to my ear (not heartburn), put me on antibiotics and Percocet and sent me home. Two things happened: 1. I started to get better 2. I discovered the joys of Percocet, lovely. Getting to my point Last night I had to work and our scheduled shifts are usually about eleven hours long. I work in a bar so we really don't have designated breaks and when we get hungry we eat when we can. Yesterday I went to work starving assuming that I would get a chance to eat, but we were so busy all night that I couldn't. At the end of the night I acted like an idiot and finished the last of my antibiotics and consumed other medications that I'm on all on an empty stomach. I have a half an hour drive home and about five minutes after I left work I wasn't feeling so hot. I started to get really nauseous and knew that I had to get food ASAP. While I was waiting in the drive through line I knew I wouldn't make it but I figured food would help it. Wrong. After about two bites my mouth started to get all dry and I knew. I lost it all over the inside of my car, hardcore lost it. No bueno. I didn't feel like pulling over as it was 3:30 in the morning with plenty of cops around, I usually see about three of four on my way home, and explaining that I was a bartender on my way home from work who hadn't been drinking but was genuinely sick. No thanks. When I got to Ron's I was crying because of what had happened and I was covered in puke. Ron wakes up. I felt like such an idiot, my makeup is everywhere, I'm covered in puke, and I'm crying. Real cute. But he starts me a bath, tells me how gorgeous I am, and then offers to help me clean my car in the morning. He rocks. He's the champion of cleaning up my puke too, drunken puke, sick puke, any kind of puke. It takes a real man to be that caring. He rocks! Are you ready to puke yet? LOL, sorry for the TMI!
I'm sick of typing as I'm sure you're sick of reading so I'll save my homework story for tomorrow when I'm supposed to be doing it. I'm going to enjoy the remains of my prescription with a bowl of strawberry ice cream while I pass out to V for Vendetta and snuggle with my boyfriend's cat. Thanks for listening and take care!!
I have so many things to talk about so I'll try and keep this as organized as possible.
First off, I'm all freaked out, again. My boyfriend went to a Halloween party at his dad's neighbor's house tonight and is spending the night there so that they can wake up super early and go RTVing. I opted out for homework reasons, which I have yet to start. Sigh I'll get to that in a minute. I'm all stressed out because I hate sleeping alone. My biggest fear is that someone will break in at night, or they'll already be waiting for me, and proceed to kill me. I honestly think I'm paranoid.

I was at my apartment up until about 20 minutes ago laying on my hardwood floors, procrastinating, half sleeping, and semi watching TV. I would have/planned on going to my boyfriend's (with comfy furniture) a lot sooner but I was too afraid to leave my apartment. My reasoning for this is that my apartment is a studio so if someone is in there I'll know. Ron's is much larger and upon entering requires a thorough search.
Long story short, I'm all sketched out and scared to go to sleep. Oh, and you'll be pleased to know that I'm also all itchy again too. As I got in my car to leave for Ron's I noticed something hanging out of the corner of my eye by my driver's window. It was a spider. I immediately jumped out, grabbed a bar rag from the back floor of my car and tried to wipe it away only I don't know where it went.

Speaking of my car I should mention that I have the best boyfriend ever. (I'm about to write a rather long story that eventually concerns my boyfriend and my car). About two weeks ago I started getting really sick. I woke up in the middle of the night because it felt like something had lodged itself in my throat. Almost like I had swallowed a vitamin and it got caught. The next few days it turned into me not being able to eat or drink anything without feeling like I had heartburn in my throat. It eventually gave me crazy headaches and earaches. I (thought I) did the smart thing and went to a walk-in clinic (it was Saturday) where they diagnosed me with heartburn which was weird because I've never had it before, told me to buy $40 worth of otc heartburn crap, and sent me on my way. I didn't get better. They called the next day to see how I was doing and then advised me to go to the ER. I blew it off and decided to go to work instead where I was soon sent home because I tried to eat (I hadn't been able to eat for two days because of the pain) and burst into tears. At that point I decided that it would be wise to go to the ER. I love smart doctors! They found out I had an infection in my throat that had spread to my ear (not heartburn), put me on antibiotics and Percocet and sent me home. Two things happened: 1. I started to get better 2. I discovered the joys of Percocet, lovely. Getting to my point Last night I had to work and our scheduled shifts are usually about eleven hours long. I work in a bar so we really don't have designated breaks and when we get hungry we eat when we can. Yesterday I went to work starving assuming that I would get a chance to eat, but we were so busy all night that I couldn't. At the end of the night I acted like an idiot and finished the last of my antibiotics and consumed other medications that I'm on all on an empty stomach. I have a half an hour drive home and about five minutes after I left work I wasn't feeling so hot. I started to get really nauseous and knew that I had to get food ASAP. While I was waiting in the drive through line I knew I wouldn't make it but I figured food would help it. Wrong. After about two bites my mouth started to get all dry and I knew. I lost it all over the inside of my car, hardcore lost it. No bueno. I didn't feel like pulling over as it was 3:30 in the morning with plenty of cops around, I usually see about three of four on my way home, and explaining that I was a bartender on my way home from work who hadn't been drinking but was genuinely sick. No thanks. When I got to Ron's I was crying because of what had happened and I was covered in puke. Ron wakes up. I felt like such an idiot, my makeup is everywhere, I'm covered in puke, and I'm crying. Real cute. But he starts me a bath, tells me how gorgeous I am, and then offers to help me clean my car in the morning. He rocks. He's the champion of cleaning up my puke too, drunken puke, sick puke, any kind of puke. It takes a real man to be that caring. He rocks! Are you ready to puke yet? LOL, sorry for the TMI!

I'm sick of typing as I'm sure you're sick of reading so I'll save my homework story for tomorrow when I'm supposed to be doing it. I'm going to enjoy the remains of my prescription with a bowl of strawberry ice cream while I pass out to V for Vendetta and snuggle with my boyfriend's cat. Thanks for listening and take care!!

You are GORGEOUS!!! can't wait for your set to go live xoxo
you are so beautiful darling!