I don't really have much to say today, so instead I'll just ask some questions.
Today's Random Questions
1. What one physical characteristic would you change about yourself if you could?
I really couldn't narrow it down to one, but I don't care enough to actually do anything about it.
2. If you won a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would buy?
I'd give it all to my mom for a down payment on a house at the beach, sadly that would only cover about 25%
3. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
Australia - Sydney or Melbourne
D. Why are you noticing something as trivial as me switching from numbers to letters?
Because I put it there, just to be silly
E. Who has been the biggest influence on your life?
If I have to pick a person, it would be myself. Although I've learned almost all I know from reading and television.
G. Besides yourself, how many living things are you responsible for?
None, although there's a tree in Scottsdale, Az that I do miss
H. Are you happy?
Before anyone points it out, I decided it was time for me to get the "F" out of here.
Once again, as you can see in my PP, I've fallen and I can't grow up.
I'm off to SLC, then back down to sunny southern California.
Go say hello to a stranger!
And to whom it may concern,
I don't really have much to say today, so instead I'll just ask some questions.
Today's Random Questions
1. What one physical characteristic would you change about yourself if you could?
I really couldn't narrow it down to one, but I don't care enough to actually do anything about it.
2. If you won a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would buy?
I'd give it all to my mom for a down payment on a house at the beach, sadly that would only cover about 25%
3. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
Australia - Sydney or Melbourne
D. Why are you noticing something as trivial as me switching from numbers to letters?
Because I put it there, just to be silly
E. Who has been the biggest influence on your life?
If I have to pick a person, it would be myself. Although I've learned almost all I know from reading and television.
G. Besides yourself, how many living things are you responsible for?
None, although there's a tree in Scottsdale, Az that I do miss
H. Are you happy?
Before anyone points it out, I decided it was time for me to get the "F" out of here.

Once again, as you can see in my PP, I've fallen and I can't grow up.
I'm off to SLC, then back down to sunny southern California.

Go say hello to a stranger!
And to whom it may concern,

Anyways ... I'll agree ... SK does rock. And for a second I was impressed that I had become your favourite male friend already ... but you tricky bugger ... I have no competition.
So blah ... I shall answer yer questions.
1. What one physical characteristic would you change about yourself if you could?
No matter how much I do not like certain attributes I possess ... I wouldn't change a thing. Changing something would make a totally different me ... and I am happy with the me that I am now.
2. If you won a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A blunt wrap - 'cause god knows I'd need a J to calm down. Then prolly two large pizzas with everything, candy corn, water - lots of water, cookies, ice cream and ... and ... funions. Yeah ... funions!
3. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
Australia - Sydney or Melbourne (I'll leave this one here ... 'cause I've always wanted to go there myself.)
D. Why are you noticing something as trivial as me switching from numbers to letters?
I have a knack for pointing out obvious and innane things. Like ... you know ... Suzy Kabloozy has nice boobies ... or ... I use elipses a lot.
E. Who has been the biggest influence on your life?
A man named Alvin Law. He was a Thalidomide baby and born with no arms. I saw him speak when I was in highschool - in my deepest suicidal phase. It was him that made me realize life was way worth living. Here I was complaining about petty crap and this man had no fucking arms, but lived a normal day with apparently no qualms.
G. Besides yourself, how many living things are you responsible for?
Well ... my parents seem to be getting to the point where I'm responsible for breaking up their petty arguments ... so I'd have to say two.
H. Are you happy?
I'm happy that there was toilet paper in the washroom when I just went ... otherwise there'd be some 'splaining to do.